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ATHENA Software Container

As described here, run the following commands to enter the software container:

mkdir eic
cd eic
curl | bash

You have now entered into the container and can begin work.

Using the default detector and reconstruction setup

In the container, first type

source /opt/detector/

Running the simulation consists of 2 steps. First, generated particles are passed through the detector and an output ROOT file is created; second, the output ROOT file of the detector simulation step is used as the input to the reconstruction software.

To throw 100 single muon events through the detector, do the following:

npsim --compactFile $DETECTOR_PATH/athena.xml --enableGun --gun.distribution uniform --numberOfEvents 100 --outputFile output.edm4hep.root

To instead generated 100 single particle pi+ events, do the following:

npsim --compactFile $DETECTOR_PATH/athena.xml --enableGun --gun.distribution uniform --gun.particle pi+ --numberOfEvents 100 --outputFile output.edm4hep.root

If you have the output of an event generator that is saved in HEPMC format, then do the following to run events from that generator through the simulation:

npsim --compactFile $DETECTOR_PATH/athena.xml --numberOfEvents 25 --inputFiles input.hepmc --outputFile output.edm4hep.root

In all these cases, an output file called output.edm4hep.root is created by the detector simulation. This file contains information on the generated and secondary particles, the hit positions in the tracking detectors, the hit positions and energy deposited in the calorimeter cells, and hit information for other detectors.

To then run the output of the simulation through the reconstruction framework (which is called Juggler), do the following:

export JUGGLER_SIM_FILE=output.edm4hep.root JUGGLER_REC_FILE=rec_output.edm4hep.root JUGGLER_N_EVENTS=10 /opt/benchmarks/physics_benchmarks/options/

This creates a file called rec_output.edm4hep.root, which contains information on the reconstructed tracks, calorimeter clusters, etc...

If you want to focus on just the calorimeters, for example, you can run this reconstruction script:

export JUGGLER_SIM_FILE=output.edm4hep.root JUGGLER_REC_FILE=rec_cal_output.edm4hep.root JUGGLER_N_EVENTS=10 /opt/benchmarks/reconstruction_benchmarks/benchmarks/clustering/options/

Using local builds of the detector and reconstruction software

In order to build local copies of the detector, beamline, and reconstruction software, as discussed in part here, first clone the repositories for the beamline, the athena detector, and the reconstruction software:

git clone
git clone
ln -s ../ip6/ip6 athena/ip6
git clone

Now compile each of these one at a time.

For the ATHENA detector:

cd athena
mkdir build
cd build
make install

For the beamline:

cd ip6
mkdir build
cd build
make install

For the reconstruction software:

cd juggler
mkdir build
cd build
make install

Doing the above will install a bunch of things in your $ATHENA_PREFIX directory. In order to use your local install, instead of sourcing the default file, source the script included with this repository. Then you can simulate events with the same commands as above, but now using your local install of the detector, beamline, and reconstruction software.

If you also plan to modify the EIC data model, do the following:

git clone
cd eicd
mkdir build
cd build
make install

In order to use this local version of the EIC data model, you will need to add an additional definition during the CMake step:


N.B. If you want to push any local changes you make to any of the above repositories, you probably need to clone via SSH instead of HTTPS.

Analyzing the simulation output

Take a look at the Analysis_examples folder in this repository to see some examples of how the analyze the output of the simulation. Both ROOT-based macros and an Uproot code are included as examples.

Standalone detector example

An example of a simple standalone detector can be found here. As this detector is implemented using a standard class in the ATHENA framework (ffi_ZDC_Sampling), we do not need to compile anything. Begin by loading the environment

source /opt/detector/

and then run single particles through the detector as

npsim --runType run --enableG4GPS --macroFile gps.mac --compactFile samplinghcal.xml --outputFile sim_out.root

Note how this simulation uses the file gps.mac to define the particle generation and number of events to simulate.

To view the geometry of this standalone dectector, first run this command:

dd_web_display --export samplinghcal.xml

and then upload the created ROOT file to this page. You should be able to see the following picture: detector_geometry

Generation with Beam Effects

To include the EIC beam effects to generated physics events using this afterburner utility, see the Beam_effects directory.

General Documentation

The official documentation, including various tutorials, can be found here.


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