A plugin for OpenSeaDragon that integrates FabricJS as an overlay to enable the creation and display of many shapes (as rectangles, circles, texts and much more) on high-resolution zoomable images.
Feel free to contribute
npm i openseadragon-fabric
You just need to import this library after the OpenSeaDragon import.
import OpenSeadragon from 'openseadragon';
import { initOSDFabricJS } from 'openseadragon-fabric';
Then, init the fabric plugin like this, before the creation of your viewers:
const viewer = OpenSeadragon(config);
const fabricOverlay = viewer.fabricOverlay({
fabricCanvasOptions: { selection: false },
The created fabricOverlay
instance has many methods, with it, you can access the fabricCanvas
and manipulate it, like adding a rectangle, as in the above example:
const fabricOverlay = newViewer.fabricOverlay({
fabricCanvasOptions: { selection: false },
const newRect = new fabric.Rect({
width: 200,
height: 100,
top: 1400,
left: 1200,
fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)',
stroke: '#000000',
strokeWidth: 5,
You also can use the FreeHand drawing mode, like this:
const fabricOverlay = newViewer.fabricOverlay({
fabricCanvasOptions: { selection: false },
//Needs to be set to false to disable default mouse navigation in OSD.
fabricOverlay.fabricCanvas().freeDrawingBrush = new fabric.PencilBrush(fabricOverlay.fabricCanvas());
fabricOverlay.fabricCanvas().freeDrawingBrush.width = 15;
fabricOverlay.fabricCanvas().freeDrawingBrush.color = selectedColor;
fabricOverlay.fabricCanvas().isDrawingMode = true;
Now, this lib doesn't support FabricJS static canvases. If you need a canvas without interactions, just disable it on the creation.
When finishing a new implementation, update the package version in package.json
, check the documentation and make a new build.
npm run build
With the new build, manually copy all files (this entire repository) to the node_modules/openseadragon-fabric
folder on a project that already uses this library.
After ensuring that every is working correctly, run the above instruction to publish the new package version on NPM:
npm publish
Thanks, CapybaHub, for allowing this open-source plugin.
This version was inspired by: