This ARM template deploys a gaming virtual machine ("gamevm") configured with specific network security rules and a public IP, making it ready for gaming scenarios. The deployment includes configuring network interfaces, security groups, and a public IP address.
- Azure Subscription
- Azure CLI or PowerShell installed
- Sufficient permissions to create resources in the Azure subscription
This template provisions the following resources:
Virtual Machine:
- Configured with Windows 11 (Windows-11, 21h2-pro)
- Options for various VM sizes based on the gaming requirements (Standard_NG8ads_V620_v1, Standard_NG16ads_V620_v1, Standard_NG32ads_V620_v1)
- Optional spot instance configuration for cost efficiency
Network Security Group:
- Security rules for RDP, VNC, and Parsec to facilitate remote access and gaming network configurations
Public IP Address:
- Static IPv4 address for the VM, making it accessible over the Internet
Virtual Network and Subnet:
- A virtual network with a default subnet to host the gaming VM
Network Interface:
- Connected to the created VM, subnet, and public IP with network security group rules applied
: Name of the virtual machine (Default: "gamevm")adminUsername
: Administrator username for the VMadminPassword
: Administrator password for the VM (Secure string)virtualMachines_gamevm_sku
: SKU for the VM (Options: "Standard_NG8ads_V620_v1", "Standard_NG16ads_V620_v1", "Standard_NG32ads_V620_v1")virtualMachines_gamevm_priority
: Deployment priority ("regular" or "spot", Default: "spot")virtualNetworks_gamevm_name
: Name of the virtual network (Default: "gamevm-vnet")networkInterfaces_gamevm_name
: Name of the network interface (Default: "gamevm-nic")publicIPAddresses_gamevm_ip_name
: Name of the public IP address (Default: "gamevm-ip")networkSecurityGroups_gamevm_nsg_name
: Name of the network security group (Default: "gamevm-nsg")
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Navigate to the directory containing this template.
- Run the following command, replacing the placeholder values with your specific values:
az deployment group create \
--name ExampleDeployment \
--resource-group yourResourceGroupName \
--template-file template.json \
--parameters adminUsername='yourUsername' adminPassword='yourPassword'