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Merge pull request #102 from bruderj15/develop
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bruderj15 authored Sep 8, 2024
2 parents d9b0484 + 6ab4a14 commit 6fb9515
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Showing 7 changed files with 129 additions and 49 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,20 @@ file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [PVP versioning](

## v2.6.3 _(2024-09-07)_

### Added
- Added a solver configuration `bitwuzlaKissat` for `Bitwuzla` with underlying SAT-Solver `Kissat`.

### Changed
- Removed `solveMinimizedDebug` & `solveMaximizedDebug`. Use the modified `solveMinimized` & `solveMaximized` instead.
You can also provide a step-size now.
- Fixed a bug where `MonadOMT#solve` would run `get-model` although the solver did not necessarily respond with `Sat`.
- `SharingMode` for sharing common (sub-)expressions now defaults to `None`.
The previous default `StableNames` in general is only worth using, when your program can benefit a lot from sharing.
Otherwise it may drastically downgrade solver performance due to abundance of sharing-variables.
If you still want to use it, run `setSharingMode StableNames` within the problems monad.

## v2.6.2 _(2024-09-04)_

### Changed
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion hasmtlib.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
cabal-version: 3.0

name: hasmtlib
version: 2.6.2
version: 2.6.3
synopsis: A monad for interfacing with external SMT solvers
description: Hasmtlib is a library for generating SMTLib2-problems using a monad.
It takes care of encoding your problem, marshaling the data to an external solver and parsing and interpreting the result into Haskell types.
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15 changes: 6 additions & 9 deletions src/Language/Hasmtlib/Example/IncrementalOptimization.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,19 +5,16 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class

main :: IO ()
main = do
iSolver <- interactiveSolver z3
interactiveWith @Pipe iSolver $ do
iz3 <- interactiveSolver z3
debugInteractiveWith @Pipe iz3 $ do
setOption $ ProduceModels True
setLogic "QF_LIA"

x <- var @IntSort

assert $ x >? -2
assertSoftWeighted (x >? -1) 5.0
assert $ x <? 10
assert $ x >? 0

minimize x

(_, sol) <- solve
(res, sol) <- solveMaximized x (Just (+2)) Nothing
liftIO $ print res
liftIO $ print $ decode sol x

return ()
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/Hasmtlib/Internal/Sharing.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ data SharingMode =
deriving Show

instance Default SharingMode where
def = StableNames
def = None

-- | States that can share expressions by comparing their 'StableName's.
class Sharing s where
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/Language/Hasmtlib/Solver/Bitwuzla.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,3 +9,13 @@ import SMTLIB.Backends.Process
-- Make sure it's default SAT-Solver binary - probably @cadical@ - is in path too.
bitwuzla :: Config
bitwuzla = defaultConfig { exe = "bitwuzla", args = [] }

-- | A 'Config' for Bitwuzla with Kissat as underlying sat-solver.
-- Requires binary @bitwuzla@ and to be in path.
-- Will use the @kissat@ shipped with @bitwuzla@.
-- It is recommended to build @bitwuzla@ from source for this to work as expected.
bitwuzlaKissat :: Config
bitwuzlaKissat = defaultConfig { exe = "bitwuzla", args = ["--sat-solver=kissat"] }
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions src/Language/Hasmtlib/Type/MonadSMT.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ import Language.Hasmtlib.Type.Solution
import Language.Hasmtlib.Codec
import Data.Proxy
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State

-- | A 'MonadState' that holds an SMT-Problem.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,12 +234,17 @@ class MonadSMT s m => MonadIncrSMT s m where
-- (res, sol) <- solve
-- case res of
-- Sat -> do
-- x' <- getValue x
-- liftIO $ print $ decode sol x
-- r -> print r
-- @
solve :: (MonadIncrSMT s m, MonadIO m) => m (Result, Solution)
solve = liftM2 (,) checkSat getModel
solve = do
res <- checkSat
case res of
Sat -> do
sol <- getModel
return (Sat, sol)
r -> return (r, mempty)

-- | A 'MonadSMT' that addtionally allows optimization targets.
Expand Down
125 changes: 90 additions & 35 deletions src/Language/Hasmtlib/Type/Solver.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,14 +13,13 @@ module Language.Hasmtlib.Type.Solver
, interactiveWith, debugInteractiveWith

-- ** Minimzation
, solveMinimized, solveMinimizedDebug
, solveMinimized

-- ** Maximization
, solveMaximized, solveMaximizedDebug
, solveMaximized

import Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Sharing
import Language.Hasmtlib.Type.MonadSMT
import Language.Hasmtlib.Type.Expr
import Language.Hasmtlib.Type.SMTSort
Expand All @@ -30,6 +29,7 @@ import Language.Hasmtlib.Codec
import qualified SMTLIB.Backends as Backend
import qualified SMTLIB.Backends.Process as Process
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State

-- | Data that can have a 'Backend.Solver' which may be debugged.
Expand All @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class WithSolver a where
withSolver :: Backend.Solver -> Bool -> a

instance WithSolver Pipe where
withSolver = Pipe 0 Nothing StableNames mempty mempty
withSolver = Pipe 0 Nothing def mempty mempty

-- | @'solveWith' solver prob@ solves a SMT problem @prob@ with the given
-- @solver@. It returns a pair consisting of:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,56 +130,111 @@ debugInteractiveWith (solver, handle) m = do

-- | Solves the current problem with respect to a minimal solution for a given numerical expression.
-- Uses iterative refinement.
-- This is done by incrementally refining the upper bound for a given target.
-- Terminates, when setting the last intermediate result as new upper bound results in 'Unsat'.
-- Then removes that last assertion and returns the previous (now confirmed minimal) result.
-- If you want access to intermediate results, use 'solveMinimizedDebug' instead.
-- You can also provide a step-size. You do not have to worry about stepping over the optimal result.
-- This implementation takes care of it.
-- Access to intermediate results is also possible via an 'IO'-Action.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- x <- var \@IntSort
-- assert $ x >? 4
-- solveMinimized x Nothing Nothing
-- @
-- The solver will return @x := 5@.
-- The first 'Nothing' indicates that each intermediate result will be set as next upper bound.
-- The second 'Nothing' shows that we do not care about intermediate, but only the final (minimal) result.
-- @
-- x <- var \@IntSort
-- assert $ x >? 4
-- solveMinimized x (Just (\\r -> r-1)) (Just print)
-- @
-- The solver will still return @x := 5@.
-- However, here we want the next bound of each refinement to be @lastResult - 1@.
-- Also, every intermediate result is printed.
solveMinimized :: (MonadIncrSMT Pipe m, MonadIO m, KnownSMTSort t, Orderable (Expr t))
=> Expr t
-> m (Result, Solution)
solveMinimized = solveOptimized Nothing (<?)

-- | Like 'solveMinimized' but with access to intermediate results.
solveMinimizedDebug :: (MonadIncrSMT Pipe m, MonadIO m, KnownSMTSort t, Orderable (Expr t))
=> (Solution -> IO ())
-> Expr t
=> Expr t -- ^ Target to minimize
-> Maybe (Expr t -> Expr t) -- ^ Step-size: Lambda is given last result as argument, producing the next upper bound
-> Maybe (Solution -> IO ()) -- ^ Accessor to intermediate results
-> m (Result, Solution)
solveMinimizedDebug debug = solveOptimized (Just debug) (<?)
solveMinimized = solveOptimized (<?)

-- | Solves the current problem with respect to a maximal solution for a given numerical expression.
-- Uses iterative refinement.
-- This is done by incrementally refining the lower bound for a given target.
-- Terminates, when setting the last intermediate result as new lower bound results in 'Unsat'.
-- Then removes that last assertion and returns the previous (now confirmed maximal) result.
-- If you want access to intermediate results, use 'solveMaximizedDebug' instead.
-- You can also provide a step-size. You do not have to worry about stepping over the optimal result.
-- This implementation takes care of it.
-- Access to intermediate results is also possible via an 'IO'-Action.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- x <- var \@IntSort
-- assert $ x <? 4
-- solveMaximized x Nothing Nothing
-- @
-- The solver will return @x := 3@.
-- The first 'Nothing' indicates that each intermediate result will be set as next lower bound.
-- The second 'Nothing' shows that we do not care about intermediate, but only the final (maximal) result.
-- @
-- x <- var \@IntSort
-- assert $ x <? 4
-- solveMinimized x (Just (+1)) (Just print)
-- @
-- The solver will still return @x := 3@.
-- However, here we want the next bound of each refinement to be @lastResult + 1@.
-- Also, every intermediate result is printed.
solveMaximized :: (MonadIncrSMT Pipe m, MonadIO m, KnownSMTSort t, Orderable (Expr t))
=> Expr t
-> m (Result, Solution)
solveMaximized = solveOptimized Nothing (>?)

-- | Like 'solveMaximized' but with access to intermediate results.
solveMaximizedDebug :: (MonadIncrSMT Pipe m, MonadIO m, KnownSMTSort t, Orderable (Expr t))
=> (Solution -> IO ())
-> Expr t
=> Expr t -- ^ Target to maximize
-> Maybe (Expr t -> Expr t) -- ^ Step-size: Lambda is given last result as argument, producing the next lower bound
-> Maybe (Solution -> IO ()) -- ^ Accessor to intermediate results
-> m (Result, Solution)
solveMaximizedDebug debug = solveOptimized (Just debug) (>?)
solveMaximized = solveOptimized (>?)

solveOptimized :: (MonadIncrSMT Pipe m, MonadIO m, KnownSMTSort t)
=> Maybe (Solution -> IO ())
-> (Expr t -> Expr t -> Expr BoolSort)
=> (Expr t -> Expr t -> Expr BoolSort)
-> Expr t
-> Maybe (Expr t -> Expr t)
-> Maybe (Solution -> IO ())
-> m (Result, Solution)
solveOptimized mDebug op = go Unknown mempty
solveOptimized op goal mStep mDebug = refine Unknown mempty goal
go oldRes oldSol target = do
(res, sol) <- solve
refine oldRes oldSol target = do
res <- checkSat
case res of
Sat -> do
sol <- getModel
case decode sol target of
Nothing -> return (Sat, mempty)
Just targetSol -> do
case mDebug of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just debug -> liftIO $ debug sol
assert $ target `op` encode targetSol
go res sol target
_ -> pop >> return (oldRes, oldSol)
let step = fromMaybe id mStep
assert $ target `op` step (encode targetSol)
refine res sol target
_ -> do
case mStep of
Nothing -> return (oldRes, oldSol)
Just _ -> solveOptimized op goal Nothing mDebug -- make sure the very last step did not skip the optimal result

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