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A 3D tensor network renormalizaion group scheme enhanced by entanglement filtering


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Entanglement Filtering Renormalization Group in 3D

We demonstrate how to implement an entanglement-filtering-enhanced tensor-network renormalization group (TNRG) in 3D. The scheme is applied to the 3D Ising model to estimate its scaling dimensions from the linearized RG map. We call it Entanglemeng Filtering Renormalizaiong Group (EFRG) here. This 3D real space RG method is introduced in our preprint Three-dimensional real space renormalization group with well-controlled approximations.

This repostory contains three scripts for obatining a critical fixed-point tensor of the 3D Ising model and estimating scaling dimensions from the linearized RG map, as well as an addition script for plotting the scaling dimensions. The implementation of the tensor RG map is in another repository tensornetworkrg, which is included here as a submodule. Therefore, after cloning this repository to your computer, remember using the following command to pull from the submodule:

git submodule update --init --recursive

I. Requirements

The codes are written in Python. The standard tool kit for scientific computating for python is Ananconda. In addition, we need the following packages for tensor network manipulations:

  • ncon, for tensor network contractions
  • abeliantensors, for imposing ℤ₂ spin-flip symmetry of the Ising model
  • tn-tools, for producing the initial tensor of the Ising model

II. How to run the scripts

We run the three scripts to estimate the scaling dimensions of the 3D Ising model. This procedure is established in our 2021 paper and its companion GitHub repository.

  • uses bisection method to estimate the critical temperature $T_c$ by checking whether a RG flow reaches the high-T or the low-T fixed-point tensor. This script outputs the estimated $T_c$ as a file Tc.pkl.
  • reads the Tc.pkl and generate the tensor RG flow at this estimated $T_c$. The tensors will be saved to the disk.
  • reads the tensors from the tensor RG flow , constructs the linearized RG map, and extracts scaling dimensions.
  • plots the scaling dimensions versus the RG step.

III. An example

We run the algorithm to reproduce the result in the paper. The parameter of the algorithm is $\chi=6, \chi_s=\chi_m=4$ and $\chi_i = \chi^{1.5} = 15, \chi_{ii} = \chi^2=36$.

  1. To esimate $T_c$:

note: if you want to do this calculating from scratch, delete the efrg_base_out folder, which contains a sample $T_c$ estimate

python --scheme efrg --chi 6 --chiM 4 --chiI 15 --chiII 36 --chis 4 --chienv 16 --rgn 16 --itern 9 --Tlow 4.47 --Thi 4.55 --epsilon 1e-6

wherechienv ($\chi_{\text{env}}$) is for initializing the filtering matrices and we simply choose $\chi_{\text{env}} = \chi_s^2$ here. --itern specifies the number of iterations in the bisection method. In our script, we choose it to be multiples of 3. This script outputs the estimated $T_c$ into a file efrg_base_out/chi06s4M4/Tc.pkl. If you want higer precision, increase this number, or run this command one more time, since it will read previous esitmated $T_c$. Using my 2023 Macbook Pro, this scripts took about 20 minutes if --itern is 6. If you are in a hurry, skip this step and use the sample Tc.pkl file in the next step.

  1. Next, generate the tensor RG flow:
python --scheme efrg --chi 6 --chiM 4 --chiI 15 --chiII 36 --chis 4 --chienv 16  --rgn 9 --epsilon 1e-6 

This script reads the efrg_base_out/chi06s4M4/Tc.pkl, generates the RG flow and saves the tensor RG flow into files in the folder efrg_base_out/chi06s4M4/tensors/. Using my 2023 Macbook Pro, this scripts too about 3 minutes.

  1. Finally, esimate scaling dimensions from the linearized RG:
python --scheme efrg  --chi 6 --chis 4 --chiM 4 --rgstart 3 --rgend 7

The script reads tensors in efrg_base_out/chi06s4M4/tensors/, constructs linearized RG map, and extracts scaling dimensions from the eigenvalues of the lienarized RG map. Using my 2023 Macbook Pro, for each RG step, this calculation took about 40 secondes. This script estimates at 4 RG steps, so it takes about 3 minutes. The result is save in the file efrg_base_out/chi06s4M4/tensors/scDimSep.pkl. To plot the scaling dimensions versus the RG step, do

python --scheme efrg  --chi 6 --chis 4 --chiM 4

IV. More explanations

All procedures are implemented in the submodule tensornetworkrg. The three scripts,, and, call functions implemented in the module tensornetworkrg.rg3d_pres, which we refer to as rg3d. The most relevant code in each file is essential a single line:

from tensornetworkrg import rg3d_pres as rg3d

# For finding Tc using ``

# For generating the tensor RG flow at Tc using ``

# For extracting scaling dimensions from the linearized RG using ``
rg3d.linRG2scaleD(...)    # all symmetry sectors and for several RG steps
# When it is run on a supercomputer to push to the largest bond dimension
rg3d.linRG2scaleD1rg(...) # A single RG step and a specified symmetry sector 

IV.1. Generating tensor RG flows

For easier description, we import some modules from the package tensornetworkrg:

from tensornetworkrg import rg3d_pres as rg3d
from tensornetworkrg import tnrg
from tensornetworkrg import benchmark

The two functions rg3d.findTc and rg3d.generateRGflow call the function benchmark.tnrg3dIterate(...) to generate tensor RG flows by applying the tensor RG map repeatedly. In this function, we input an instance of the class tnrg.TensorNetworkRG3D. The EFRG map is implemented as a method of this class. In summary,

  • The EFRG map is implemented in the method tnrg.TensorNetworkRG3D.entfree_blockrg of the class tnrg.TensorNetworkRG3D.
  • This map is called repeatedly in the function benchmark.tnrg3dIterate(tnrg3dCase,...), where tnrg3dCase is an instance of the class tnrg.TensorNetworkRG3D. The basic structure of this is
    # The basic structure of the function `benchmark.tnrg3dIterate(tnrg3dCase,...)`
    scheme = "efrg"
    for k in range(rg_n):
        # other codes
        lrerrs, SPerrs # entanglement filtering errors and the block-tensor errors
        ) = tnrg3dCase.rgmap(scheme=scheme, ...)
        # other codes

IV.2. Linearizing the RG map

The function rg3d.linRG2scaleD calls rg3d.linRG2x at each RG step. The basic structure of rg3d.linRG2x is

from tensornetworkrg import tnrg
# construct linearized RG map
ising3d = tnrg.TensorNetworkRG3D("ising3d")
linearRGSet = ising3d.linear_block_hotrg(isEF=True, ...)
# diagonalize the linearized RG map to estimate scaling dimensions
scDims = ising3d.linearRG2scaleD(linearRGSet, ...)

The method .linear_block_hotrg(isEF=True, ...) uses the function tensornetworkrg.coarse_grain_3d.efrg.linrgmap to build the linearized RG map.


A 3D tensor network renormalizaion group scheme enhanced by entanglement filtering







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