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Go API that calls via jsonrpc. It has an added component of load testing and visibilty

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Ethereum jsonrpc using infura

go to and register for a free account to get an API key cd into the handlers directory and look for the handlers.go file, repace every instance of url in each handler with the url you got from infura..

Tools used

1. k6

Open source l oad testing tool..scripts are written in javascript.

2. Influxdb

Open source time series database to collect data in real time.

3. Telegraf

Server-based agent for collecting and sending all metrics from databases and systems.

4. Grafana

Open source analytics & monitoring solution for databases

5. Docker Compose

Tool to run multi-container Docker applications

Running the setup

  • clone the repo
  • cd into the repo
  • build the docker image docker build -t godocker .
  • launch the API server docker run -p 4000:4000 godocker
  • check your private IP hostname -i
  • go to telegraf.conf and locate the agent section of the file, locate the hostname field and add the IP obtained above
  • go to the scripts folder the look at api the url used api-script.js file locate where the http.get method make the requests, add the IP obtained above
  • launch the monitoring stack of influxdb,telegraf and grafana docker-compose up -d influxdb telegraf grafana
  • go to IP_obtained:3000 load grafana UI in the browser
  • login with Admin as user and admin as password
  • It will prompt you to change password for Admin user
  • change the password and it will automatically log you in
  • to run tests execute, cd into the scripts directory and run docker-compose run k6 run -u 1 -d 10s /scripts/api-script.js this command is used to learn 1 virtual user in a duration of 10s.


The API was created usging a Go framework called gofiber, built on top of Fasthttp,it offers great performance. The API has 6 endpoints:

  • The root path: /api:4000
  • The latest block path: /api/4000/latest-block
  • The get transaction path: /api/get-transaction
  • The get transaction count path: /api/get-transaction-count
  • The get balance transaction path: /api/get-balance
  • The get gas price path: /api/get-gas-price

Load testing

The load test was done on aws ec2 instance of type c5.xlarge meaning it had 4vCPU and 8GB RAM.The load teststarted by making 1 virtual user making requests for 10 seconds then 2 and so on..users, then I kept using multiples of 2 until 1024 users, at this point the API allowed limit per day are reached and any subsequent requests fail..AS you will see in the images below It's worth noting that for load testing the parameters above used limited the duration to 10s..increasing the time increased the number of interations or loops the virtual user can make which meant the API day limits were reched quickly.

Load testing with 1 virtual user

My Image

Load tesing with 2 virtual users

My Image

Load tesing with 4 virtual users

My Image

Load tesing with 8 virtual users

My Image

Load tesing with 16 virtual users

My Image

Load tesing with 32 virtual users

My Image

Load tesing with 64 virtual users

My Image

Load tesing with 128 virtual users

My Image

Load tesing with 256 virtual users

My Image

Load tesing with 512 virtual users

My Image

Load tesing with 612 virtual users

My Image

Load tesing with 712 virtual users

My Image

Load tesing with 1024 virtual users

My Image

Load tesing with 1050 virtual users

My Image

The table sumary:

Users Time Iterations sucessfull
1 10s 33 100%
2 10s 63 100%
4 10s 131 100%
8 10s 263 100%
16 10s 494 100%
32 10s 1029 100%
64 10s 2098 100%
128 10s 4182 100%
256 10s 8210 100%
512 10s 15716 100%
612 10s 19352 100%
712 10s 21108 83%
1024 10s 28788 79%

The dashboard summary:

  • http_req_blocked: Time spent blocked (waiting for a free TCP connection slot) before initiating the request. My Image
  • http_req_connecting: Time spent establishing TCP connection to the remote host. My Image
  • http_req_receiving: Time spent receiving response data from the remote host. My Image
  • ht_req_sending: Time spent sending data to the remote host My Image
  • http_req_waiting: Time spent waiting for response from remote host (ie “time to first byte”) My Image


  • Running the test with a higher duration resulted in a high rate of failure..the more time, the more iterations would be made by the virtual users, it would lead to reaching API daily limits quickly and was not sustainable for conduction tests.
  • This test was then conducted by focuing on one end point and maintaining a constant time of 30s.
  • From 1 vrtual users up to 612 vitual users performing 19352 loops ie iteration the API was able perfomed extremly well,maintaining a 100% success rate
  • Between 612 and 712 virtual users that's the point where drops started happening. at 712,the success rate is still high at 83% and 79% for 1024 virtual users
  • However, there is no doubt that had I increased the duration that the success rate would have decresed significantly due to a lot of virtual users being able to generate more iterations.


The API performed very well based on the following:

  • Concurrency: the API was able to handle 1024 concurrent users making requests within aperiod of 10s with a success rate of 79%.
  • Server response time: with 1024 concurrent virtual users, for 95 percentile of request, the server response time was 174.91 milli seconds
  • Throughput: with 1024 virtual concurrent users, the success rate was 79 %.This indicates that a few hunders concurrent virtual users could connect to the end point before it crashed.


Kubernetes: Given the fact this is a stateless application, replacing docker-compose with a more powerful tool like Kubernetes and it's ecosysem would highly improve all aspects of the API.

  • Kubernetes Horizantal Pod Scaler and replicas: by using kubernetes, the API would be more resilient to failure by having replicas mainatined at all times distributed to different would also be possible to scale it horizontally by using the Horizonatlpod Autoscaler kubernetes concept whereby if the load is too much, new pods are spinned to handle the load and scaling them back down accordingly.

  • Istio: a service mesh woul run in the same pod as a side car container and bringing fine grained network polices including security policies, rate limiting, observability and many more.

  • CI/CD: continious integration tool like github actions would aloow to automate the testing including the load testing with K6 because of it's concept of setting Thresholds and if they are passed the can the next phase take place by combining the CI with a continuous Deployment tool like FluxCD, the CI/CD pipeline and version control tool like git a complete Devops approach would be in place to setup a robust environment assuming the organization also uses Infrastructure as code.


Go API that calls via jsonrpc. It has an added component of load testing and visibilty






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