The TART class was initially written to format lab reports for the ECE 455 and ECE 429 courses at the University of Waterloo, in Waterloo, Ontario. The class was written using MiKTeX, an implementation of TEX for Windows.
Using TART is pretty simple, even for a beginner TeX user. First, throw the TART class technical_assignment_report.cls
in the same directory as your .tex
file. Secondly, include the TART class by putting \documentclass{technical_assignment_report}
at the top of your tex file. After this, you can set up your assignment by filling out the following fields:
\coursetitle {<course title>}
sets the course title for the report\assignmentdate {<date>}
sets the due date of the report.\assignmenttitle {<assignment title>}
sets the report title.\groupnumber {<group number>}
sets your group number.\groupmembers {<name1>}{<name2>}{<name3>}{<name4>}{<name5>}
sets your group members' names, user id numbers, or usernames. You don't need to fill in all the blanks, just make sure there are five sets of braces in all. For reference, seetechnical_assignment_report.tex
You're now set! Your basic .tex
file should look something like:
\coursetitle {ECE 100}
\assignmentdate {\today}
\assignmenttitle {Lab \#1 Report}
\groupnumber {22}
\groupmembers {jsmith}{r2crusoe}{sholmes}{}{}
Your brief text.
\setup %or \environment
Your setup or environment text.
\nsection{Some Section Heading}
Your section text.
Your error text.
Your results text.
You have a couple of options with the title. \fulltitle
currently renders the title with both the group number and the group members. \fulltitlegroupnum
omits the group members, while \fulltitlegroupmem
omits the group number.
If the current formatting of the title doesn't suit your needs, you can always just set your \title
and \author
the way you would with a normal .tex
document; \maketitle
and \maketitlepage
are still supported.
This displays the full course title as specified.\assignment
This displays the assignment title as specifed.\duedate
This displays the due date as specified.\group
This displays the group number as specified.\groupmem
This displays the groupmembers as specified. Up to 5 are allowed by the definition function.\fulltitlegroupnum
This displays the title of the assignment with the course number, assignment title, date, and group number.\fulltitlegroupmem
This displays the title of the assignment with the course number, assignment title, date, and group members.\fulltitle
This displays the title of the assignment with the course number, assignment title, date, group number, and group members.
This creates a section with supressed numbering.\ncitation
This creates a section with supressed numbering on a new page. Ideally should be used for citations, results, or glossaries.
Creates a `Brief ' section.\setup
Creates a `Setup' section.\environment
Creates an `Environment' section.\erroranalysis
Creates an `Error Analysis' section.
Uses a nice monospace font for code references or numbers.
Some common formulae. Right now this is the only one I could think of to add, but please file an issue if you can think of more commonly used formulae that you'd like to have included.
\percenterror {<differing-num>}{<base-num>}
This displays the the percent error formula.