Discord Bot Backend.
Create an .env file or set the Envs according to the .env.example and run a postgres db
git clone https://github.com/broemp/broempSignal
go mod install
go run cmd/BroempSignal.go
Use the Docker Compose File
version: '3.8'
image: broemp/broemp-signal:latest
container_name: broempSignal
restart: always
#DB Settings
- DB_DRIVER=postgres
- DB_SOURCE=postgresql://{USER}:{PASSWORD}@{IP}:{PORT}/broempSignal?sslmode=disable
#Server Settings
# POST: Create User
## Body
"username": "{name}",
"discordid": {id}
# GET: List all users
# GET: List all data for one user
# POST: Add telegramID to User
# POST: Create AFK entry
## Body
"discordid": {id}
# GET: List all AFKs order by count
# GET: AFK List for one user
# GET: AFK count for one user