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This Symfony bundle makes it easy to write functional tests without the headache and without any additional libraries. The bundle allows you to easily create a client for executing requests against your application and access the Symfony Container to retrieve your services. Additionally, you can create authenticated clients to avoid the headache of having to navigate through a sign-in page to visit authenticated sections of your application.

Fixtures are also a cinch with this bundle. You no longer need to write individual classes to hydrate your database fixtures - simply define them in YAML and the bundle will take care of hydrating and persisting them for you!


Begin by updating your composer.json file with the library name.


    "require-dev": {
        "brightmarch/testing-bundle": "2.0.0"


Install the bundle with Composer.

composer update --dev brightmarch/testing-bundle

Add the bundle class to your app/AppKernel.php file.

public function registerBundles()
    // ...

    if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
        // ...
        $bundles[] = new Brightmarch\TestingBundle\BrightmarchTestingBundle();

    return $bundles;


Using the bundle is simple. It comes with a single class, Brightmarch\TestingBundle\TestCase that your functional test suites can extend.

Sample Test Suite


namespace My\AppBundle\Tests\Controller;

use Brightmarch\TestingBundle\TestCase;

class AdminControllerTest extends TestCase

    public function testAdminRequiresAuthentication()
        $client = $this->getClient();
        $client->request('GET', $this->getUrl('my_app_admin_index'));

        $this->assertContains('Sign In', $client->getCrawler()->text());

    public function testAdmin()
        $admin = $this->get('doctrine')
            ->findOneByEmail('[email protected]');

        // The firewall is named 'admin'.
        $client = $this->authenticate($admin, 'admin');
        $client->request('GET', $this->getUrl('my_example_app_admin_panel'));

        $this->assertContains('Welcome back, Admin', $client->getCrawler()->text());

    public function testStatelessApi()
        $user = $this->getFixture('api_user', 'app');

        $client = $this->authenticateStateless($user);
        $client->request('GET', $this->getUrl('my_example_app_api'));

        // Test the JSON response for example.



Accessing the Container is simple with the method getContainer(). The method takes no arguments and returns a Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container object with the following parameters set:

  • environment: test
  • debug: true

You can also get any service from the container with the method get(). The method takes a single argument: the name of the service you wish to retrieve.


You can construct an HTTP client with the getClient() method. It takes a single optional array parameter where you can set additional server parameters.

  • array $server=[]


Testing authenticated features becomes a chore when continually having to sign in as a user to perform them. The authenticate() method makes this simple by mimicking the full authentication process. The method takes two parameters, a user entity that implements the Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface interface, and the firewall name from the app/config/security.yml file that you are wanting to authenticate.

  • Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface $user
  • string $firewall

Please note that the authenticate() method returns the client you should use for all future interaction with your application. You do not need to call getClient() first.

The 1.2.0 release of this bundle introduced a method named authenticateStateless() that allows you to authenticate against a stateless firewall. This is helpful for API testing where your API is stateless and requires authorization for every request. Like the authenticate() method, this method returns a client you can use to interact with your API. Because you are interacting through your application through its URLs, you do not need to provide a firewall to authenticate against.

Database Interaction

Starting with version 1.3.0 the TestCase class requires you to use a named entity manager. All access to the entity manager for installing and retrieving fixtures must be done through a named manager.

Because the get() method is exposed to retrieve any service, you can access the Doctrine entity manager like this:

$_em = $this->get('doctrine')


Starting with version 2.0.0, this bundle can handle hydrating and installing your database fixtures automatically. You do not need to rely on the Doctrine Fixtures Bundle and instead can write your fixtures in YAML and have the bundle automatically persist them.

The TestCase class has a protected method named installDataFixtures() that will install the fixtures in a relational database using Doctrine (Mongo is not supported). It takes two parameters, one required and one optional:

  • string $managerName
  • boolean $append=false

The $managerName parameter is the entity manager to run the entities through. The $append parameter determines if the entities should be appended to the database or purged first. By default, all data is purged first.

It is recommended you call the installDataFixtures() method in a parent level setUp() method so it installs the data fixtures prior to every test execution. This will slow down your tests, but will ensure they are executed in isolation.

To begin, create a file named fixtures.yml in the app/config/ directory of your application. You will need to create two levels of nesting to define your fixtures:


You will place all of your fixture information under the fixtures node. For example, if you had an entity that represented users in your application, you could create a fixture named admin_user with the following fixtures.yml file:

            _entity: MyCompany\AppBundle\Entity\User
            username: admin_user
            password: my_password
            full_name: The Boss
            age: 42
            gender: Male

When installDataFixtures() is called, it will construct a new User object, hydrate it by calling setUsername(), setPassword(), setFullName(), setAge(), and setGender(). It will then be persisted to the database. The fixture will be stored in an internal array under the name admin_user.

The field names in your fixture can either use snake_case or camelCase. For example, full_name and fullName will both be used to call setFullName().

You can retrieve that fixture in any test by using the getFixture() method which takes two required parameters:

  • string $fixture
  • string $managerName

The $fixture parameter is the name of the fixture to retrieve (admin_user for example) and the $managerName parameter is the name of the entity manager that is tracking that fixture.

Cross referenced entities can also be configured in the fixtures.yml file as well. For example, after you created the admin_user, if you needed to create a product fixture that references the admin_user, you do so by prefixing the value with a tilde:

            _entity: MyCompany\AppBundle\Entity\User
            username: admin_user
            password: my_password
            full_name: The Boss
            age: 42
            gender: Male

            _entity: MyCompany\AppBundle\Entity\Product
            create_user: ~admin_user
            name: My Awesome Gadget
            price: 4299

Doctrine expects a DateTime object if you have your fields configured as date or datetime types. If you had a field in your fixtures named ordered_at with the value 2015-08-01 15:36:45, the insert would fail because Doctrine would expect that to be an object.

To get around this, if any value in your fixtures is parseable in the aforementioned format, it will automatically be converted to a DateTime object. That is, to say, if date_create_from_forat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value) returns a DateTime object, it will be used for that field in the entity.

Because the fixtures will be built in order that they are defined in the file, the installDataFixtures() method will know to call setCreateUser() on the Product class with the User object that is an instance of admin_user.

Finally, entities are purged in reverse order. In the above example, the product is purged first, and the admin_user second.


If you need to generate a URL from a route (a good practice as it allows your URLs to change and your routes to remain constant), you can do so with the getUrl() method. It takes three parameters:

  • string $route
  • array $parameters=[]
  • boolean $absolute=false


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Vic Cherubini, Bright March, LLC


Symfony bundle to aid functional and unit testing.







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