- .NET8
- Cross platform (Windows, Linux, Mac, ...)
- No admin privileges required to run
- Supports CnCNet V2 & V3 tunnel protocol
- Supports CnCNet STUN protocol (for P2P clients)
- Supports IPv4 & IPv6
- The V3 version requires the .NET Runtime 8.
- The V3+V2 version additionally requires the ASP.NET Core Runtime 8.
Make sure these ports are open/forwarded to the machine (default ports):
- TCP 50000 (V2)
- UDP 50000 (V2)
- UDP 50001 (V3)
- UDP 3478
- UDP 8054
- ICMP (for clients not using the built-in ping mechanism)
To see a list of possible arguments run:
cncnet-server -?
Example output:
CnCNet tunnel server
cncnet-server [options]
--n, --name <name> (REQUIRED) Name of the server
--p, --tunnelport <tunnelport> Port used for the V3 tunnel server [default: 50001]
--p2, --tunnelv2port <tunnelv2port> Port used for the V2 tunnel server [default: 50000]
--m, --maxclients <maxclients> Maximum clients allowed on the tunnel server [default: 200]
--nm, --nomasterannounce Don't register to master [default: False]
--masp, --masterpassword <masterpassword> Master password []
--maintenancepassword, --maip <maintenancepassword> Maintenance password []
--masterserverurl, --mu <masterserverurl> Master server URL [default:
--i, --iplimit <iplimit> Maximum clients allowed per IP address [default: 8]
--nopeertopeer, --np Disable STUN NAT traversal server (UDP 8054 & 3478)
[default: False]
--3, --tunnelv3enabled Start a V3 tunnel server [default: True]
--2, --tunnelv2enabled Start a V2 tunnel server [default: True]
--sel, --serverloglevel CnCNet server messages log level [default: Information]
--syl, --systemloglevel Low level system messages log level [default: Warning]
--6, --announceipv6 Announce IPv6 address to master server [default: True]
--4, --announceipv4 Announce IPv4 address to master server [default: True]
--h, --tunnelv2https Use https Tunnel V2 web server [default: False]
--maxpacketsize, --mps <maxpacketsize> Maximum accepted packet size [default: 2048]
--maxpingsglobal, --mpg <maxpingsglobal> Maximum accepted ping requests globally [default: 1024]
--maxpingsperip, --mpi <maxpingsperip> Maximum accepted ping requests per IP [default: 20]
--ai, --masterannounceinterval <masterannounceinterval> Master server announce interval in seconds [default: 60]
--c, --clienttimeout <clienttimeout> Client timeout in seconds [default: 60]
--version Show version information
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
cncnet-server --name NewServer
Download <cncnet-server-win-x64.zip>
Extract to e.g. C:\cncnet-server\
New-Service -Name CnCNetServer -BinaryPathName '"C:\cncnet-server\cncnet-server.exe" --name "NewServer"' -StartupType "Automatic" -DisplayName "CnCNet Tunnel Server" -Description "CnCNet Tunnel Server"
Start-Service CnCNetServer
wget https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/22.10/packages-microsoft-prod.deb -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install -y aspnetcore-runtime-8.0
wget <cncnet-server-linux-x64.zip>
unzip -d cncnet-server <cncnet-server-linux-x64.zip>
useradd cncnet-server
passwd cncnet-server
chown cncnet-server -R /home/cncnet-server
cd /home/cncnet-server/
chmod +x cncnet-server
cd /etc/systemd/system/
vi cncnet-server.service
cncnet-server.service example contents:
Description=CnCNet Tunnel Server
ExecStart=/home/cncnet-server/cncnet-server --n "NewServer" --masp "PW" --maip "PW" --m 250
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start cncnet-server.service
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 50000
sudo ufw allow proto udp from any to any port 50000
sudo ufw allow proto udp from any to any port 50001
sudo ufw allow proto udp from any to any port 3478
sudo ufw allow proto udp from any to any port 8054
to start on machine start:
sudo systemctl enable cncnet-server.service
to inspect logs:
sudo journalctl -u cncnet-server