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Releases: brichard19/BitCrack

Improve OpenCL performance

28 Jan 02:28
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-Improved OpenCL performance
-Fixed bug where --points argument was not detected (-p worked though)

Minor fixes

08 Jun 03:05
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Fixed options parsing. The parser was not handling cases where an argument was not provided when required. E.g. if the user used --continue without an argument, the program would crash. Now displays an error message.

Added -f, --follow to follow the text output in the terminal instead of overwriting the previous output at the bottom of the terminal.

Fix for Intel devices

08 Feb 03:32
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-Includes a work-around for the multiplication bug on Intel GPUs
-Slight OpenCL performance increase

Fix for AMD devices

31 Jan 02:20
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clBitCrack was producing incorrect results on some AMD devices. This fixes the issue and was tested on a RX 560 on Windows 10 64-bit.

Please let me know if there are any issues.

--stride and --continue bug fixes

14 Jan 01:56
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-Fixes --stride bug where really large strides could roll over the largest possible private key

-Fixes --continue bug where correct --stride value is not stored in the file

OpenCL bug fix

30 Nov 03:26
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Fixed OpenCL bug where incorrect private keys would be reported if multiple keys were found in the same kernel call i.e. if the keys were close together. For example if you loaded the puzzle addresses from a file, the first 10 or so would be found in the same kernel call.

Minor fixes

28 Nov 03:08
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-Can specify full 256-bit hex value for --stride instead of 64-bit values
-Added missing error check in OpenCL initialization
-Fixed bug where hex formatted with h suffix (e.g. 1234h) was not parsed properly


24 Nov 00:13
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New features:

--start and --range have been replaced with --keyspace:

--keyspace START: Start at key START and continue forever
--keyspace START:END Start at key START and end at key END
--keyspace START:+COUNT Start at key START and end at key START + COUNT
--keyspace :END Start at key 1 and end at key END
--keyspace :+COUNT Start at key 1 and end at key 1 + COUNT

--continue FILE will write progress to FILE. If FILE already exists, it will read it and continue from where it left off, and update FILE with new progress. FILE is updated every 60 seconds.

--share M/N will divide the keyspace into N equal parts and process the Mth part. For example, --share 3/5 will divide the keyspace into 5 parts, and process part 3. This is useful for work distribution among multiple processes.

--stride N will increment the counter by N instead of counting by 1. This was a requested feature.

CUDA 8.0 build

07 Nov 01:56
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Some people have Fermi (compute 2.x) devices that they still want to use, even though NVIDIA removed support for them in the 9 SDK.

I created a branch from the latest master branch, but build against against the CUDA 8.0 SDK.

I will try to keep this branch in sync with the main branch.

OpenCL BitCrack (Experimental)

31 Oct 01:30
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OpenCL implementation of BitCrack.

The performance is far below what I was expecting. Might have to look into ROCm to get decent performance on AMD devices. But it is still early and there is room for optimization.

There are two binaries for now: clBitCrack (OpenCL) and cuBitCrack (CUDA). The commandline options are exactly the same.

The *.cl files need to be in the same directory as clBitCrack.exe, as it reads and compiles them at runtime.

As this is the first release, expect crashes and instability. Report any bugs you find.
