These are my dotfiles for work and play environments. Files are organized into directories if they are location specific.
- common: Files common to all environments.
- work
- home-laptop
- home-server
If a specific location needs to extend a common file, consider putting the common settings into common and sourcing in the location specific settings from another file.
For example, each location can have a .bash_profile_ex file which will be sourced in by the common .bash_profile file if one is found.
Install GNU stow from Homebrew
brew install stow
Clone to ~/dotfiles, and enter the directory.
cd ~/dotfiles
Symlink the .file into place with stow.
stow --ignore ".DS_Store" common home-laptop
When a change is made in one environment, push it to the remote so other environments can sync up.
See for more info on using
None - Use them to make your life better.
Brian Partridge - @brianpartridge on Twitter and