brevis, an open-source, functional scientific and artificial life simulator.
brevis is a 3D scientific, artificial life and complex systems simulator where simulations are written in the functional programming language Clojure.
On the web:
by Kyle Harrington ([email protected]), 2011-2014.
[There is a prototype IDE that allows Brevis to be run with no extra software added. Be on the look out in 2014 for this fancy new version.]
brevis is designed to be compatible with Eclipse and a couple of Eclipse addons. These instructions should work with Eclipse versions on all major OS platforms.
Install Eclipse - The development environment -
Install the EGit addon for Eclipse - Version control -
Install the CounterClockwise - Clojure support in Eclipse -
Download brevis. Within Eclipse, Import Project->Team->Git URI, choose an address listed on
One-time project configuration. Within Eclipse, right click on brevis (the project you just imported), choose Leiningen->Reset Project Configuration
Developed for use with the Clojure Eclipse plugin, CounterClockwise (this must be installed).
Open brevis.example.swarm
Menu: Clojure -> Load file in REPL
Default input:
esc - kill the simulation
left click + drag - rotate camera
w - move camera forward
s - move camera backward
a - move camera left
d - move camera right
z - move camera up
c - move camera down
o - screenshot
Brevis is licensed under Apache License V2.
Copyright 2012, 2013, 2014 Kyle Harrington All rights reserved.