HackHunterdon 2018 Finalist
Make getting stuff done fun for kids and easier for parents.
What does DoneBadge do?
- Parents and kids can set up goals that award points which can be cashed in for actual awards
- Use DoneBadge to set expectations for homework, extracurriculars, and chores
- Parents set responsibilities, award badges, and give prizes to their kids
- Kids complete responsibilities, mark them as done, and reap the rewards!
During and after the hackathon, several parents remarked that a system like this would be interesting to them. And a couple of kids too.
This prototype web app was first I'd built with MeteorJS and time was tight, so there are a few corners cut. Most major functionality is here except completing responsibilities. Work needed on styling, badges, security, and I'm sure a lot of other items.
If I were to pick this up as a project again, would likely change the technology base, at least to use a relational DB.
If someone else would like to pick it up, or help out, drop me a line by submitting a PR.
To run the prototype and see what it's about:
- Install MeteorJS on your system
- Clone this repo
- cd into the donebadge directory
- Type
- bring up localhost:3000 in your browser
Creative Commons CC-BY