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Based on 11tsy-starter


The approach with this starter is to treat Eleventy layouts as wrappers for stateless UI components so they can be easily tested and reasoned about. The contract between these components and Eleventy can be expressed as types in eleventy.ts. zod is used to parse incoming date from Eleventy to the views so builds should fail if the contract is not maintained.

Although JSX is used for the templates there is no connection to react and these components will be rendered to static HTML in the build process with no hydration.


  • node I recommend using asdf or other version manager.

Setup & install instructions

  • clone this repo.
  • make sure you are using the correct node version listed in .tool-versions
  • install dependencies with npm install


  • npm start to start a dev server on http://localhost:5173
  • npm run build generate a production build in dist/


  • npm test to run vitest in watch mode

You can use Vitest and Testing Library to make assertions about how your components render. See this example. Currently there is no test server delivering assets so things like links to CSS files will raise warnings if you test a full layout.

Tests are co-located with their source.

├── _components
│   ├── Heading.test.tsx
│   └── Heading.tsx

Cache Busting

As static sites are often hosted on CDNs it is a good idea to hash assets so you don't get outdated CSS, etc loading after an update has been made. This is currently handles through an Eleventy transform and can be triggered by adding data-asset-hash attribute to an element but the href/src needs to be pointing to the root. For example.

<link data-asset-hash href="/css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Code & configs

What it's for

  • eleventy.config.ts configure the Eleventy build
  • eleventy.ts a place to add types that describe the data you expect to consume from Eleventy
  • package.json node dependencies and scripts
  • tsconfig.json typescript configuration for the Eleventy build process
  • vitest.config.js test configuration
  • src source for building the site
  • src/_config entry point for organizing the Eleventy config
  • src/_includes default layouts folder
  • src/_components components to be used by layouts or shortcodes
  • ./src/js/index.ts entrypoint for compiling client side JS. Bundling options are set in src/_config/bundle-javascript.ts
  • ./src/css/styles.scss entrypoint for compiling CSS add a browserlist entry to package.json or .browserslistrc to change lightningcss default targets
  • ./src/css/_vars.scss collection of css variables used to build our styles, they include fluid units that can be visualized here; colors, type scale and spacing scale


the BASE_URL environment variable is set by doing.

BASE_URL="" npm start

This will then be accessed as globalData in templates under data.baseURL


New pages can be added and edited through the Decap CMS available at You can mess about in the demo environment without effecting the site.


Pages accept the following front-matter

layout: "which template to use"
menu: (true | false) show page title in navigation, defaults to false
title: "for pages h1 and opengraph metadata"
description: "[optional] for opengraph metadata"
socialImage: "[optional] for opengraph metadata (external link or path to file)"
socialImageAlt: "[optional] alt text describing social preview image, if you do not include this then it will fallback to the default image / alt"