A Toolbox for EECS 168/169 students to use in preparation for exams and general study.
General Class Description: Problem solving using a high level programming language and object oriented software design. Fundamental stages of software development are discussed: problem specification, program design, implementation, testing, and documentation. Introduction to programming using an object oriented language: using classes, defining classes, and extending classes. Introduction to algorithms and data structures useful for problem solving: arrays, lists, files, searching, and sorting.
Hosted at: http://eecs168toolbox.me/
Contains basic programming tools to use in solving more advanced course assignments.
Visual memory depiction of stack and heap and where memory is allocated for function calls, variables, arrays, and objects depending on the type of call.
Basic solved examples implementing tools given in the toolbox.
Problems given for the purpose of test prep. No solution is provided in order to allow students to think through given problem and refer any question to class staff (Professor, GTA, SI Leader, UGTF)
- Brandon Lammey - brandonlammey
- Giovanni Artavia - Giovaartavia