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React Native Klarna In-App SDK

This library wraps Klarna's In-App SDK and exposes its functionality as React Native components. It currently supports Klarna Payments via a Payment View component.

This repository also includes a test application that you can use to see how it works.

Looking for the pure native Klarna In-App SDK? Check out the Klarna In-App SDK repo instead.


  • iOS 10 or later.
  • Android 4.4 or later.


If you are having any issues using the library in your project, please create a question on Stack Overflow tagged with klarna-inapp-sdk. If you think that something is wrong with the library itself, please create an issue.

Klarna In-App SDK documentation

Overview of the SDK

What Does React Native Klarna In-App SDK Offer?

This library allows React Native apps to add views with Klarna content to their app. We currently support Klarna Payments, allowing you to add payment views to your checkout and authorizing a session to create an order natively.

Why should you use the SDK?

The SDK removes any possible friction in your app's checkout flow by leveraging native functionality in iOS and Android. Some of the things the SDK does are:

  • Plays nicely with 3rd-party apps. Many customers complete their purchase through their banking application or other 3rd-party apps. We make this experience seamless not just by opening these apps, but returning your users automatically when they’re done.
  • Safeguards your users' identity. The SDK adds an extra layer of security lowering the risk of fraudulent purchases. It also insures that your customer doesn’t have to write in any redundant info. (e.g. address or credentials) on successive purchases.
  • Improves 3D Secure flow. If certain payment methods require opening banking pages, we’ll display an in-app browser. Your customer can safely authenticate with their bank without ever leaving your app.
  • Open links without making your customers leave your app. As with 3D Secure, we open most resources in an in-app browser or a fullscreen overlay. This insures that your customer doesn’t ever have to leave your app.

Getting started

$ npm install react-native-klarna-inapp-sdk --save

Mostly automatic installation

$ react-native link react-native-klarna-inapp-sdk

Manual installation


We strongly encourage you to use CocoaPods to manage the library and follow the instructions below to add the SDK as a dependency to the React Native app. If you add the SDK to CocoaPods elsewhere in the application it may cause the SDK to not be visible to the library.

  1. After running $ npm install react-native-klarna-inapp-sdk --save go to [your project]/ios folder.
  2. Make sure you have a Podfile ready, if not use pod init. Check that platform :ios, ‘10.0’.
  3. Go to [your project]/node_modules/react-native-klarna-inapp-sdk/react-native-klarna-inapp-sdk.podspec and make sure that s.dependency ‘KlarnaMobileSDK’, ’~> 2.0.4 and s.platform = :ios, “10.0”.
  4. Add react-native-klarna-inapp-sdk as a dependency to your podfile ([your project]/ios folder)  pod ‘react-native-klarna-inapp-sdk’, :podspec => ‘../node_modules/react-native-klarna-inapp-sdk/react-native-klarna-inapp-sdk.podspec’.
  5. Go back to [your project]/ios and run pod install.


  1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/
  • Add import com.klarna.inapp.sdk.KlarnaPaymentViewPackage; to the imports at the top of the file
  • Add new KlarnaPaymentViewPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
    include ':react-native-klarna-inapp-sdk'
    project(':react-native-klarna-inapp-sdk').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, 	'../node_modules/react-native-klarna-inapp-sdk/android')
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:
    compile project(':react-native-klarna-inapp-sdk')

Warning regarding Android integration

Both the iOS and Android integrations depend on the native SDK.

We've experienced issues with React Native 59 and above where 3rd party Gradle repositories won't be recognized in the Android project's build.gradle. To address this, you'll need to add a reference to the repository in your own app's build.gradle.

You can do it by adding the lines between the comments below:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            // All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries) is installed from npm
            url "$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android"
        // Add the lines below vvv
        maven {
            url ''
        // Add the lines above ^^^


You can import the KlarnaPaymentView from the library. You'll then be able to add it as a component to your app. This component exposes callbacks as props and methods you can call via the compoent's ref.

The view will self-size height-wise and grow it fill it containing view's width.


It has the following props:

Name Type Description
category String The payment method category you want to render in your view.
onInitialized () => {} The initialize call succeeded.
onLoaded () => {} The load call succeeded.
onLoadedPaymentReview () => {} The load payment review call succeeded.
onAuthorized ({}) => {} The authorize call succeeded.
onReauthorized ({}) => {} The reauthorize call succeeded.
onFinalized ({}) => {} The finalize call succeeded.
onError ({}) => {} An error occurred.

Prop callback parameters

The onAuthorized, onReauthorized, onFinalized and onError will provide an object (via nativeEvent) with the following parameters:

authorized: Boolean

Determines whether the previous operation was successful and yielded an authorization token.

Available on:
  • onAuthorized
  • onReauthorized
  • onFinalized

authToken: String | undefined

If authorize(), reauthorize() or finalize() succeeded, they will return a token you can submit to your backend.

Available on:
  • onAuthorized
  • onReauthorized
  • onFinalized


finalizeRequired: Boolean | undefined

If authorize() requires that you additionally call finalize(), .

Available on:
  • onAuthorized

error: Object | undefined

If a method failed, onError() will let you know via an error object.

Available on:
  • onError

View methods

Each payment view exposes a set of methods via a view's ref. You can see in the test app or in the below example how these can be called. The methods are the following:


Initializes the view with a session token. You have to have added the view to your application and supplied a payment method category.

Name Type Description
sessionToken String The session token you get from Klarna.
returnUrl String An app-defined URL scheme the component uses to return customers to your app.
Return URL

You can read more about how the return URL works and how to add it tou your iOS application here and for your Android application here.


Loads the view. This will render content in the view.

Name Type Description
sessionData `String undefined`


Renders a description of the payment terms your customer has agreed to.

Once a session is authorized, you can then either render a payment review in the existing payment view or initialize() a new payment view with the same session token and call this method.


This only works with specific payment methods and countries.


Authorizes the payment session.

Name Type Description
autoFinalize `String undefined`
sessionData `String undefined`


If the details of the session (e.g. cart contents, customer data) have changed, call this to update the session and get a new authorization token.

Name Type Description
sessionData `String undefined`


If a specific payment method needs you to trigger a second authorization, call finalize when you're ready.

Name Type Description
sessionData `String undefined`

More information

You can read more about refs and how they're used here. If you'd like to understand what each method does, you can read about it on Klarna Developers.


In addition to the test app in /TestApp, the you can see an abridged version below.

import KlarnaPaymentView from 'react-native-klarna-inapp-sdk';

class MyCheckoutView extends React.Component {

    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            paymentViewLoaded: false

    componentDidMount() {
        // To initialize the component, you'll need call the component's initialize method with your
        // backend's session token and a return URL for your application. 
        // This should occur at some point when the payment view is added to your application's view, 
        // but it should only be repeated if initialization fails.
        this.refs['my_ref'].initialize('my_session_token', 'my_apps_return_url')

    onInitialized = () => {
        // Once the view is initialized, you can render content into it.

    onLoaded = () => {
        // Once the view is loaded, the user should be able to see the payment method. They can then
        // choose to use it (it's up to you to determine how that is recognized) and tap a "buy-like"
        // button.
        this.setState({paymentViewLoaded: true})

    buyButtonPressed = () => {
        // When the button is tapped, call authorize() on the view.

    onAuthorized = (event) => {
        // If successfully authorized, the authorization token can be used by your backend to create
        // an order. 
        // You can also load a payment review view to allow the user to evaluate their
        // payment choice. 
        let params = event.nativeEvent

        if (params.authorized) {

    render() {
            // Other parts of the view
            // ...
            // The payment view
                onAuthorized={this.onAuthorized} />
            // ...
            // Your buy button
                onPress={this.buyButtonPressed} />


Thank you for reading this and taking time to contribute to React Native Klarna In-App SDK! Below is a set of guidelines to help you contribute whether you want to report a bug, come with suggestions or modify code.

How can I contribute?

Reporting Bugs

This section will guide you through submitting a bug report for Klarna In-App SDK.

Before submitting a bug report, please check that the issue hasn't been reported before. If you find a Closed issue that seem to describe an issue that is similar to what you want to report, open a new issue and link to the original issue in the new one. When you have checked that the issue hasn't been reported before fill out the required template which will help us resolve the issue faster.

Submitting a Bug Report

Bugs that are submitted are tracked as GitHub issues. To report a bug, create an issue and use the template to provide information about the bug. Explain the problem thoroughly and include any additional information that you think might help the maintainers reproduce the issue. When creating the GitHub issue please make sure that you:

  • Use a clear and descriptive title for the issue.
  • Describe the exact steps which reproduce the problem with as many details as possible. It's generally better to provide too much than too little information.
  • Describe the behavior you observed after following the steps and explain exactly what the problem is with that behavior.
  • Explain which behavior you expected instead and why.
  • Provide screenshots and/or screen recordings that might help explain the issue you are facing. To screen record a phone connected to Android Studio or an emulator follow the steps here. To screen record on iOS follow the steps described here.
  • Include relevant logs in the bug report by putting it in a code block, a file attachment or in a gist and provide a link to that gist.
  • Tell how recently you started having the issue. When was the first time you experienced the issue and was it after updating the SDK version? Or has it always been a problem?
  • If the problem started happening recently, can you reproduce it in an older version of the SDK? What's the most recent version in which the problem doesn't happen?
  • Can you reliably reproduce the issue? If not, explain how often it occurs and under what conditions it normally happens. For example in what environment you are running.

Include details about the device/emulator/simulator you are experiencing the issue on:

  • Which version of the SDK are you using?
  • Which OS is this a problem in, iOS, Android or both? What version(s)? Also add the appropriate label to the issue.
  • Did you experience the issue in simulator/emulator or on real device(s)?

Contributing with Code

Before contributing please read through the Klarna In-App SDK documentation.


Prefix the branch you are going to work on depending on what you are working on (bug fix or feature). Use the following prefixes when creating a new branch:

  • feature/ if the branch contains a new feature, example: feature/my-shiny-feature.
  • bugfix/ if the branch contains a bug fix, example: bugfix/my-bug-fix.
Pull Requests

When creating a PR include as much information as possible about the type of enhancement, whether if it's a bugfix, new functionality or any other change. There's a template for you to fill out which will make the review process for the maintainers faster. When creating a PR do it against the master branch. The PR should include:

  • A clear and descriptive title.
  • Description of the issue if you are fixing a bug together with a link to the relevant issue or background for introducing a new feature.


Copyright 2019 Klarna Bank AB

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Klarna's React Native wrapper for the In-App SDK







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  • Java 48.9%
  • Objective-C 29.7%
  • JavaScript 19.0%
  • Ruby 2.4%