Simulates a microphone jammer, specifically, the IProtect Rabbler, a ~$400 device.
Before you start rambling, you need to create "slices", 1 second audio clips that the rambler will use.
To slice, simply run the script with the -s arguement and the filename of a recorded wav clip of you or someone else speaking. The wav file should be a minimum of 5 minutes long to make the output sound more random
./ -s sound.wav
This will create the slices and store them in a directory titled "slices"
NOTE: the script only accepts wav files!
To start rambling, run the script without arguements. This will play 1 slice per .1 seconds, creating an overlap.
In order to use the rambler script to the fullest effect, give the script audio slices from everyone you want to protect from microphone surveilance, and use it at high volume.