This repository contains an example of a Leaflet map that shows info on projects funded by donors in Kenya from 2013 to 2015. The data was provided by Kenya OpenData. Tiles were provided by OpenStreetMaps.
Some mapping features exampled are:
-GeoJSON point data (projects) with popup text boxes added
-marker clustering using Leaflet.markercluster plugin
-a toggle for marker clustering following this stackexchange answer as an example.
-GeoJSON shape data (Counties) with cloropleth styling based on project counts
-a generated legend
it contains an HTML file that can be run on a web server (index.html).
to install, run git clone .
from the working directory of your web server (/var/www/html/ on apache2)
- put data-join in code. This table join was hastily done to generate some mappable data.
- change styling of county data by drop-down variable, and show some other views of the data (project values, durations, etc.). I'd like to make an example of doing this without jquery.
- use leaflet-search to search the features in a geoJSON layer