抽奖算法使用 Math.random 随机 staff 下标,代码片段如下:
import staffs from './src/staff.json'
function random(start, end) {
const difference = end - start;
let num = Math.random() * difference + start;
return parseInt(num, 10);
let luckyDog = staffs[random(0, staffs.length)];
This generator is targeted to be used with Node >= 6.0.0 and NPM => 3.0.0. You can check your version number with the command
$ node --version && npm --version
Install node library
$ npm install
- npm run build to build an optimized version of your application in /dist
- npm run serve to launch a browser sync server on your source files
- npm run serve:dist to launch a server on your optimized application
- npm run test to launch your unit tests with Karma
- npm run test:auto to launch your unit tests with Karma in watch mode