Releases: boydm/phoenix_integration
v0.9.2 - support phoenix html 3.0
Accept field names with characters such as ?
Minor update.
Pulls in a fix to work with form field names with characters such as ? and others.
v.0.9.0 Collected fixes & flow_assertions
Collected fixes and now uses flow_assertions.
Bumped to 0.9.0 because it requires Elixir 1.10+
Pheonix 1.5 compat and other fixes
v0.8.0 Improve handling hidden and nested items in forms
Fairly large update to handle forms with hidden fields. This update treats forms as parsed trees and has more informative output, and is generally more flexible. This entire update is brought to you by the hard work of Brian Marick (@marick on GitHub). Thank you!
v0.7.0 Fix warnings and support Elixir 1.10
Support for Elixir 1.10 and fix deprecation warnings in Floki
v0.6.0 Support for Phoenix 1.4
Changed from Poison to Jason to be more compatible with phoenix 1.4. Helps that Jason is nice and fast.
0.5.3 Support deeply nested forms
Merged pull request #23 from jonasschmidt to support deeply nested forms.
0.5.2 Bug fix release
Merged pull request #22 by Wooga to support single character input names
0.5 bug fix
- fixed bug (issue #20) where it didn't find radio input fields if none were intially checked
- removed dependency on DeepMerge