This is a web application, called “SMART INVESTMENT 📈” which includes these key features:
• User authentication system using Flask-Login (sign-up, login & logout) ✔️. • stock page to view stock performance throug Yahoo yFinance Api 🔗. • Admin Panel created by Flask-Admin with the features 👨💼: • User management: add, edit and delete (Admin, users). • stock management: add, edit and delete (the stocks displayed in market page). • Get the required advisory from the deployed LSTM deep Learning model within the platform 🤖. • Market page to buy and sell stocks 🛒.
This project is a platform for trading, and for that we created a market page with the concept of the portfolio to add our bought stocks to it, yet for the user to buy or sell stocks. A client needs to know information about the stock market and where we include the feature of monitoring the stocks’ performance through the stocks page with multiple options of charts visualization to guarantee the satisfaction of different users. In addition, we added an admin panel to control the stocks displayed for the users to purchase and sell, and the users themselves through the admin exclusive functions of add, edit, and delete. The platform is a bit short on the side of rich interfaces but fortunately, it can be enhanced by many features like displaying the news that affects the stock market. The same news can be used as new input to our prediction models to enhance it.