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Version:1.1.0 ROS packages used to to run volta with hardware

  • volta_base - Package contains files to connect to the robot and run the sensor driver.
  • volta_control - Control configuration required for ROS control.
  • volta_description - Volta Robot description (URDF files).
  • volta_localization - Sensor fusion of wheel odometry and IMU data using the robot localization package.
  • volta_msgs - contains ROS messages specific to volta such as the power board messages,..etc
  • volta_navigation - Contains files required for running gmapping, amcl and move_base ROS packages.
  • volta_teleoperation - Control the robot using keyboard or Joystick.
  • volta_rules - Contains rules that ensures the USB peripherals are binded correctly

Steps to Launch Volta :

1. Mapping an environment with Volta

  • Launch the move_base node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_base bringup.launch   
  • Launch the sensors node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_base sensors.launch   
  • To perform the mapping, launch the navigation package by running
$ roslaunch volta_navigation navigation.launch gmapping:=true  
  • Launch the rviz visualization tool by running:
$ rosrun rviz rviz  

You can then open the volta configured rviz environment by opening the volta rviz config file, located under volta_navigation->rviz_config->navigation.rviz, from the rviz tool

  • In order to control the robot, launch the teleoperation node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_teleoperator teleoperator.launch keyboard:=true
  • Once the mapping of the entire environment is completed, the map can be saved by running:
$ rosrun map_server map_saver –f <filename>

3. Navigation with Volta

  • Launch the move_base node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_base bringup.launch   
  • Launch the sensors node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_base bringup.launch   
  • To perform the Autonomous navigation, launch the navigation package by running
$ roslaunch volta_navigation navigation.launch  
  • Launch the rviz visualization tool by running:
$ rosrun rviz rviz  

You can then open the volta configured rviz environment by opening the volta rviz config file, located under volta_navigation->rviz_config->navigation.rviz, from the rviz tool

Use the 2D Nav Goal tool in the top toolbar to select a navigation goal in the visualizer. Ensure that the nav goal is given in a mapped section of the map