Twitter Spell Checking aims to correct a word from a text database generated by twitter streams.
First, set twitter accounts that fit most with the words that you want to correct (ex: news, sport, music, health...). Then, launch a crontab every hour to get new tweets (twitter_spelling fetch -n [namespace] -c [settings_file_location]) Finally, just call the api to check the word.
Be careful, if you want to correct some music artists from a specific genre, try to watch best specialised twitter accounts !
python install
Create a conf file as this one :
ACCESS_TOKEN = 195869-eTemy6p0ljmq2cWL6kGTXTR1BT7BpJqX9uNwzftpo
files = /var/www/twitter_spelling/
accounts = Caradisiac, gizmodofr, Rue89, futurasciences, purecharts, jeuxvideo, LeNouvelObs, sports_direct, 20minutes, SportF24, Slatefr, PremiereFR, LaRedouteFR, liberation_info, purepeople, Maxisciences, aufeminin_com, ZDNet, AutoPlus, lequipe, lemondefr, Telerama, Clubic, GEOfr, lesinrocks, France24_fr, LesEchos, doctissimo, ELLEfrance, Boursier_com, francefootball
files = /var/www/twitter_spelling/
accounts = Slate, gizmodo
twitter_spelling fetch -n [namespace] -c [settings_file_location]
The tweets will be loggued into the file [files]/tweets_[namespace].txt
Some parts of code from
from twitter_spelling import Correct
c = Correct(settings_file_location)
c.correct('my expression')
If in your namespace, your are following some sport and news account :
>> c.correct('franck riberi')
franck ribery
>> c.correct('steve job')
steve jobs
>> c.correct('news york')
new york
>> c.correct('comunity')