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Alfonso² Peterssen edited this page Dec 16, 2016 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the telegrambot4s wiki!

Here will be listed some use cases of the library.

Bot object

First of all, creating a bot object:

import info.mukel.telegrambot4s._, api._, methods._, models._, Implicits._
object MyBot extends TelegramBot with Polling with Commands {
  def token = "your-token"

Handling messages

Override onMessage from TelegramBot. You have then a Message object with all the information needed to answer the users.

override def onMessage(message: Message) = message.text match {
  case Some(text) => request(SendMessage(, text))
  case _ => println("It had not a text")

Handling inline queries

Just override handleInlineQuery from TelegramBot.

override def onInlineQuery(inlineQuery: InlineQuery) = {

  val results = Seq[InlineQueryResult](
    InlineQueryResultArticle("article", "Telegram", InputTextMessageContent("")),
    InlineQueryResultAudio("audio", "","Voice test"),
    InlineQueryResultContact("contact", "+41 12345678", "Bill Gates"),
    InlineQueryResultDocument("document", "A Case against the GO To Statement", "Edsjer W. Dijkstra", "", mimeType = "application/pdf"),
    InlineQueryResultGif("gif", "", thumbUrl = ""),
    InlineQueryResultLocation("location", 1.23, 4.56,"Random place"),
    InlineQueryResultPhoto("photo4", "", ""),
    InlineQueryResultPhoto("photo5", "", "")

  request(AnswerInlineQuery(, results))

To enable inline mode, send the /setinline command to @BotFather and provide the placeholder text that the user will see in the input field after typing your bot’s name.

Collecting feedback

To know which of the provided results your users are sending to their chat partners, send @Botfather the /setinlinefeedback command. With this enabled, you will receive updates on the results chosen by your users.

Actor bindings

For more complex use cases, the library provides a very simple extension mechanism; just mix ActorDispatcher to create complex actor-based workflows. Possible applications include stateful commands using FSM actors, and per-chat synchronous handlers.

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