Made By Byron
Task 1 Demonstration Video:!AkYsO3WcbK6wmSjCFdfmp4AVXqiY?e=eGq20k
Task 2 Demonstration Video:!AkYsO3WcbK6wnC88q3bZL6_SRvYK?e=cTDgWE
Task 3 Demonstration Video:!AkYsO3WcbK6wnlmx6KAx5HoJdGXm?e=A6K9Dc
Readme.txt file for the local library app created 18/09/2020, updated 02/11/2020
There are no special instructions needed to install the local library app.
It can be opened and ran inside visual studio (open source), or ran from the exe file once compiled and built.
The local library app contains detailed tutorials on how to use it. It is also explained below:
Once launched, the user can choose 1 out of 3 tasks (1 is disabled).
The replacing books task page allows the user to view their achievements, as well as start a new test.
The user can drag and drop a call number list item to reorder.
They can either cancel the attempt or finish the attempt (in which they will then be graded).
Time will only be counted if the user has scored 3 or more points.
Time and highest score will be counted towards the ahievements.
The identifying areas task allows the user to match CALL NUMBERS & DESCRIPTIONS.
The user can select an option from a dropdown to select an answer.
They can either cancel the attempt or finish the attempt (in which they will then be graded).
The more correct answers, the better.
Correct answers will count towards achievements.
The finding call numbers task allows the user to participate in a multiple choice test.
The user can select one out of four possible answers.
If the user selects the right answer, they move onto the next level. If not, they have the option to leave, start another question, or view their achievements.
Correct answers will count towards achievements