Tools for AWS CloudFormation
- list stacks
- diff a stack and a template
- diff two stacks
- validate a template
pip install cfn-tools
List stacks:
cfn-tools ls
cfn-tools ls NAME
# Filter stacks by status.
# Returns stacks which status contains the filter string.
# Deleted stacks are not returned by default. Use `-f delete` to get those.
cfn-tools ls -f create
cfn-tools ls -f rollback NAME
cfn-tools ls -f progress NAME
# Filter out stacks by status.
# Deleted stacks are not returned by default.
cfn-tools ls -f \!create NAME
Diff Stacks/Templates:
cfn-tools diff TEMPLATE STACK
cfn-tools diff STACK1 STACK2
cfn-tools diff -r us-west-2 STACK1 -r2 us-east-1 STACK2
Validate a template:
cfn-tools validate TEMPLATE
Huge thanks to @stefansundin and @dstokes