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Modified: 06/26/2012
SDK Version: 1.9.11

AdColony 1.9.11 SDK Package Contents:
1. AdColonyLibrary (iOS)
	a. AdColonyPublic.h
	b. libAdColony.a
2. Documentation
	a. AdColonySDKQuickStartGuide.pdf
	b. W-9 Form.pdf
3. Sample Apps
	a. AdColonyAdvancedApp
	b. AdColonyBasicApp
	c. AdColonyCurrencyApp

Getting Started with AdColony:
First time and returning users should review the AdColony SDK Quick Start Guide, as the AdColony API has been changed (Please refer to the change log for details). 
This file is available as a PDF in the "Documentation" folder and contains everything you need to start integrating AdColony into your app quickly.

1.9.11 Summary Change Log:
Details can also be found in the AdColonySDKQuickStartGuide.pdf under "Changes"

-AdColony SDK improvements for more efficient client-server communication

1.9.10 Summary Change Log:
-AdColony will now report additional analytics information regarding app installs.
-AdColony now additionally provides Apple's unique device identifier (UDID) and the Open Device Identification Number (ODIN1) for device identification. This will affect applications that use AdColony's V4VC system in a server-based configuration. If affected, please review the Quick Start Guide.
-One method, getODIN1 has been added to the AdColony class to access the device's ODIN1.

1.9.9 Summary Change Log:
-AdColony now additionally provides the device's OpenUDID for device identification. This will affect applications that use AdColony's V4VC system in a server-based configuration. If affected, please review the Quick Start Guide.
-One method,  getOpenUDID has been added to the AdColony class to access the device's OpenUDID.

1.9.8 Summary Change Log:
-AdColony no longer uses Apple's unique device identifier (UDID) and instead uses its own unique device identifier derived from the device's WiFi MAC address. This will affect applications that use AdColony's V4VC system in a server-based configuration. If affected, please review the Quick Start Guide.
-One method,  getUniqueDeviceID has been added to the AdColony class to access the identifier string that AdColony uses to uniquely identify a device.

1.9.7 Summary Change Log:
-AdColonyAdministratorDelegate protocol has been renamed AdColonyDelegate for clarity. A macro has been added to that defines the old name as the new name for backwards compatibility.
-AdColonyAdministratorPublic class has been renamed AdColony for clarity. A macro has been added to that defines the old name as the new name for backwards compatibility.
-initAdministratorWithDelegate: method has been renamed initAdColonyWithDelegate: for clarity. A macro has been added to that defines the old name as the new name for backwards compatibility.
-Two methods,  zoneStatusForZone: and zoneStatusForSlot: have been added so that one can determine the availability of video ads with a finer resolution. Please see AdColonyPublic.h for descriptions of the return values.
-Two methods,  didVideoFinishLoadingForZone: and didVideoFinishLoadingForSlot: have been deprecated, but remain fully functional. For future proofing, replace these methods with appropriate calls to the methods from Change 3.

1.9.6 Summary Change Log:
- AdColonyVideoAdPresenterPublic is a new class for the presentation of multiple video ad zones
- adColonyMobclixInitializedExternally method has been removed
- noVideoFill method has been replaced by two methods called noVideoFillForAllZones: and noVideoFillInZone:
- adColonyVideoAdsReady, adColonyNoVideoAdsReady methods have been replaced by the adColonyVideoAdsReadyInZone: , adColonyVideoAdsNotReadyInZone: methods
- adColonyVirtualCurrencyAwarded and adColonyVirtualCurrencyNotAwarded methods have been replaced by the adColonyVirtualCurrencyAwardedByZone:currencyName:currencyAmount: and adColonyVirtualCurrencyNotAwardedByZone:currencyName:currencyAmount: methods
- adColonyBannerAdServed , adColonyBannerAdNotServed methods have been removed
- In AdColonyAdministratorPublic: all methods except initAdministratorWithDelegate: and turnAllAdsOff have been deprecated
- didVideoFinishedLoading method works as if there is only one video ad zone, but returns NO if multiple video ad zones are present
- serveVideoAdForDelegate: method will only play a video ad if there is only one video zone in the app and that zone does not have virtual currency set as an option
- virtualCurrencyAwardAvailable method works the same way if the app has only one video ad zone that has been configured for virtual currency, and return NO in the presence of multiple video ad zones
- serveVideoAdForVirtualCurrencyWithDelegate:andPostPopup, displayVirtualCurrencyPrePopupWithDelegate:andPostPopup: methods work the same way if the app has only one video ad zone that has been configured for virtual currency
- getVirtualCurrencyName , getVirtualCurrencyRewardAmount methods work the same way if the app has only one video ad zone that has been configured for virtual currency
- AdColonyStableBannerAdViewPublic entire class has been deprecated

Example Applications:
Included are three sample apps to use as examples and for help on AdColony integration. The basic app allows users to launch an ad from either of two zones. The advanced app demonstrates advanced topics such as immediate ad launch (prestitial) and includes a basic debug logger.  The currency app demonstrates how to implement videos-for-virtual currency (V4VC) to enable users to watch videos in return for in-app virtual currency rewards (includes an example currency tracker).

Legal Requirements:
You must accept the terms and conditions on the AdColony website by registering in order to legally use the AdColony SDK. U.S. based companies will need to complete the W-9 form and send it to us before payments can be issued.

Contact Us:
For more information, please visit For questions or assistance, please email us at [email protected].


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