PC Interface to Moode Audio in python using PySide6 and an mpc executable.
This is a program to run on your PC and communicate with Moode Audio running on a Rasperry PI. It requires PySide6 and an mpc executable (I installed mine via Cygwin on Windows, apt on Linux). If you download a backup from Moode, you can place the "station_data.json" file into this directory. It will allow you to display a list of stations and play the url. The five radio buttons on the radio image will allow you to run your favorites. For now, the station names/urls are coded in main.py. I will probably move this to an ini file.
- Right or left mouse drags, left mouse selects if it's over a defined field.
- Press the volume knob to change the Volume, but easier to just use the scroll wheel when over the knob.
- Press the tuning knob to toggle play/pause.
- Press one of the radio buttons to play your favorite stations.
- Press the tuning display to select a station.
- Press the badge to bring up a web browser. There is a python based brower here but you can run your own. Again, see the top of the main.py file.
- The default size of the application is the size of the radio image. It can be scaled via the scale ('scale' in the moode_system.ini) parameter to BorderLessWindow.
- If the directory 'radio-logos' exists (also from the Moode backup), the logo of the station selected via the tuner will be displayed