- TypeScript
- Linting with Eslint and code formatting with Prettier
- Conventional commit messages with Commitlint
- Build with tsup
- Vitest for Unit test
- Automated release with changesets
Use Boilertown CLI.
# npm npm create boilertown@latest -- -b node-cli-boilerplate # yarn yarn create boilertown -b node-cli-boilerplate # pnpm pnpm create boilertown -b node-cli-boilerplate # bun bun create boilertown/node-cli-boilerplate [cli-name]
Click the green "Use this template" button to generate a new repository with the same structure and files.
Run the app in development mode:
pnpm dev
Build the app:
pnpm build
Create changeset:
pnpm changeset
This boilerplate uses changesets to automatically generate CHANGELOG
, create releases and publish to NPM registry via GitHub Actions. You can see action details at release.yml.
To automating publish your app, follow these steps:
Create a
. See this article for more details. Make sure the type of access token is Automation. -
Follow this instruction to add the created token to your GitHub Actions secrets. Name of the secret is
. -
Install changeset bot.
P/S: Remember to check the Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests
in your repo Settings > Actions > General & scroll to Workflow permissions.
node-cli-boilerplate ❤️ your contributions. If you have any ideas, suggestions, fixes, feel free to contribute.