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MS. Tanner 15: new description #696

merged 10 commits into from
Nov 3, 2023
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion collections/Laud_Misc/MS_Laud_Misc_190.xml
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<origDate calendar="Gregorian" notAfter="1300" notBefore="1290">Late 13th century</origDate><origPlace>
<country key="/place_1000070">France</country> (?)
<country key="place_1000070">France</country> (?)
<provenance>There is no evidence of ownership. It is, however, likely that part C was once in the possession of the Mainz Charterhouse.</provenance>
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124 changes: 103 additions & 21 deletions collections/Tanner/MS_Tanner_15.xml
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@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?><?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?><TEI xmlns="" xml:id="manuscript_8971">
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
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<TEI xml:id="manuscript_8971" xmlns="">
<title>MS. Tanner 15</title>
<title type="collection">MSS. Tanner</title>
<resp>Summary description</resp>
<persName>Elizabeth Solopova</persName>
<persName>Matthew Holford</persName>
<persName>Andrew Dunning</persName>
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<institution>University of Oxford</institution>
<repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
<idno type="shelfmark">MS. Tanner 15</idno>
<idno type="ieArk">ark:29072/x08336h242bt</idno><idno type="crArk">ark:29072/x0k930bx10fj</idno><altIdentifier type="internal">
<idno type="ieArk">ark:29072/x08336h242bt</idno>
<idno type="crArk">ark:29072/x0k930bx10fj</idno>
<altIdentifier type="internal">
<idno type="SCN">9835</idno>
<msItem class="#vitae_sanctorum" n="1" xml:id="MS_Tanner_15-item1">
<title key="work_10467">Nova legenda Angliae</title>
<textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
<textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
<msItem n="1">
<locus>(pp. v–viii)</locus>
<title type="desc">List of contents</title>
<incipit xml:lang="la">Adrianus abbas greca pingua peritus floruit.</incipit>
<explicit xml:lang="la">Wulstanus baculum in marmore fixit. qui a nullo alio anelli potuit.</explicit>
<msItem n="2">
<locus>(pp. 1–581)</locus>
<author key="person_22494546">John of Tynemouth</author>
<title key="work_10467">Sanctilogium Angliae Walliae Scotiae et Hiberniae</title>
<incipit xml:lang="la">Adrianus nacione affricanus comes et cooperator</incipit>
<explicit xml:lang="la">sed ab epantu diectus plane dixit.</explicit>
<colophon xml:lang="la">Perfectum est hoc opus wlgariter intitulatum De sanctis Anglie. Ad laudem et honorem omnipotentis dei. ac sancte Cantuar’ ecclesie. ex Impensis Reuerendi in cristo patris domini Thome Goleston eiusdem ecclesie Prioris. Ac sacrarum litterarum professoris egregii. Per me Jacobum Neell’ Normannum ac Rothomagi natum. Anno verbi incarnati . Deo gracias.</colophon>
<bibl>Carl Horstmann, ed., <ref target=""><title>Nova legenda Anglie</title></ref> (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1901).</bibl>
<msItem n="3">
<locus>(pp. 582–588)</locus>
<note>Additions by <persName key="person_65071134">Sir John Prise</persName> on leaves originally ruled for two columns but otherwise blank, copied from London, British Library, Cotton MS. Vespasian A. xiv.</note>
<textLang mainLang="la" otherLangs="wlm">Latin and Middle Welsh</textLang>
<msItem n="1">
<rubric xml:lang="la">De primo statu Landanensis ecclesie <lb/> Excerpta de pervetusto Libro de vitis sanctorum Britanie</rubric>
<incipit xml:lang="la">Anno ab incarnatione domini c l vi ᵗº Lucius britannorum Rex ad eleutherium apostolica sedis papam legatos suos scilicet eluanum et meduuinum misit, implorantes vt iuxta eius ammonitionem cristianus fieret quod ab eo impetrauit.</incipit>
<explicit defective="true" xml:lang="la">Finis territorii ecclesie Aquilensium. Maliduc</explicit>
<note>The text ends abruptly, leaving a blank space for the Welsh conclusion (ed. Evans, p. 78).</note>
<bibl>Ed. J. Gwenogvryn Evans and John Rhys, <ref target=""><title>The Text of the Book of Llan Dâv</title></ref>, Series of Welsh Texts 4 (Oxford, 1893), 68–78.</bibl>
<bibl>Ed. W. J. Rees, <ref target=""><title>The Liber Landavensis, Llyfr Teilo, or, The Ancient Register of the Cathedral Church of Llandaff</title></ref>, Society for the Publication of Ancient Welsh Manuscripts 1 (Llandovery: Rees, 1840), 65–75.</bibl>
<msItem n="2">
<locus>(pp. 589–593)</locus>
<title>Vita sancti Dubricii</title>
<bibl><ref target=";number=2339"><title>BHL</title> 2339</ref></bibl>
<rubric xml:lang="la">Incipit Vita sancti Durbricij Archiepiscopi vrbis Legionum xviij Kl Decembris</rubric>
<incipit xml:lang="la">Quidam Rex Ercychi regionis Pepiau nomine clavorauc uocatus britannice Latine vero spumosus qui super inimicos suos iuit in expeditionem</incipit>
<explicit xml:lang="la">cum data benedictione et cum donatione omnibus auxiliantibus ad inceptum opus.</explicit>
<bibl>Ed. J. Gwenogvryn Evans and John Rhys, <ref target=""><title>The Text of the Book of Llan Dâv</title></ref>, Series of Welsh Texts 4 (Oxford, 1893), 78–96.</bibl>
<bibl>Ed. W. J. Rees, <ref target=""><title>The Liber Landavensis, Llyfr Teilo, or, The Ancient Register of the Cathedral Church of Llandaff</title></ref>, Society for the Publication of Ancient Welsh Manuscripts 1 (Llandovery: Rees, 1840), 75–83.</bibl>
<msItem n="3">
<locus>(pp. 593–596)</locus>
<title xml:lang="la">Vita sancti Bernaci</title>
<bibl><ref target=";number=1186"><title>BHL</title> 1186</ref></bibl>
<rubric xml:lang="la">Incipit Vita sancti bernachi</rubric>
<incipit xml:lang="la">Elegit sibi dominus virum de filiis israel iuxta cor suum bernacium nomine venustis ornatum moribus titulisque virtutum insignibus excellentem.</incipit>
<explicit defective="true" xml:lang="la">quando infundebatur frigida permanebat. Nec magis igne</explicit>
<note>The following leaf has been excised, ending before the conclusion (ed. Rees, p. 11).</note>
<bibl>Ed. W. J. Rees, <ref target=""><title>Lives of the Cambro British Saints, of the Fifth and Immediate Succeeding Centuries</title></ref>, Society for the Publication of Ancient Welsh Manuscripts 4 (Llandsvery: Rees, 1853), 1–12.</bibl>
<objectDesc form="codex">
<supportDesc material="perg">
<extent>i (modern paper endleaf) + 4 (medieval endleaves and contents list, pp. i–viii) + 298 (pp. 1–596) + 4 (pp. 597-604, medieval and early modern endleaves), i (modern paper endleaf) <dimensions type="leaf" unit="mm">
<foliation>Early modern pagination. A nineteenth-century hand has annotated pp. 581–596 with further numbers, pp. 585–600, but the original pagination is accurate.</foliation>
adunning marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
<formula>1<hi rend="superscript">4</hi> (pp. i–viii), 2–37<hi rend="superscript">8</hi> (pp. 1–576), 38<hi rend="superscript">4</hi> (pp. 577–584), 39<hi rend="superscript">8–2</hi> (pp. 585–596; 2nd and 8th excised), 30<hi rend="superscript">4</hi> (pp. 597–604; 3rd and 4th partially cut away).</formula>
<catchwords>Contemporary catchwords, written vertically.</catchwords>
<layout columns="2" writtenLines="46">Ruled in red for 2 columns of 46 lines, ruled space <dimensions type="ruled" unit="mm">
<handNote script="cursivaAntiquior">Gothic cursiva antiquior.</handNote>
<decoNote type="border">Good border.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="decInit"> Good initial. (<ref target="">Pächt and Alexander</ref> i. 796)</decoNote>
<decoNote type="border">Floriated border in gold leaf and colours on the opening page (p. 1). (<ref target="">Pächt and Alexander</ref> i. 796)</decoNote>
<decoNote type="decInit">Text opens with a nine-line initial in gold leaf on a red and blue background (p. 1).</decoNote>
<decoNote type="flourInit">New lives open with three-line initials in blue with red pen flourishing.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="colInit">New sections open with coloured initials, alternating between blue and red.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="rubrication">Rubricated headings and running heads.</decoNote>
<binding notAfter="1900" notBefore="1800">
<p>Brown tanned calf over laminated pulpboard, 19th century.</p>
<origDate calendar="Gregorian" when="1499" cert="high">1499</origDate>
<country key="place_1000070">French</country>
<origDate calendar="Gregorian" cert="high" when="1499">1499</origDate>
<origPlace cert="low">(?) <country key="place_1000070">France</country></origPlace>
<p>The colophon (p. 581) records that the book was written by <persName key="person_4806">Jacobus Neell</persName>, a Norman from Rouen.</p>
<provenance type="MLGB3_provenance_evidence" source="">
<orgName role="fmo" key="org_158353196">Canterbury, Kent, Benedictine cathedral priory of Holy Trinity or Christ Church</orgName> (?) : 'Perfectum est hoc opus wlgariter intitulatum De sanctis Anglie, ad laudem et honorem omnipotentis dei ac sancte Cantuariensis ecclesie ex impensis reverendi in Christo patris domini Thome Goleston, eiusdem ecclesie prioris ac sacrarum litterarum professoris egregii, per me Iacobum Neell Normannum ac Rothomagi natum anno verbi incarnati 1499 deo gratias.' (<ref target="">MLGB3</ref>: evidence from an inscription of ownership by an individual member of a religious house (which may not, however, be evidence for institutional ownership)). </provenance>
<provenance type="MLGB3_laterOwners" source="">Cf. Horstman, Nova Legenda, 1. xv. (<ref target="">MLGB3</ref>)</provenance>
<provenance><orgName key="org_158353196" role="fmo">Canterbury, Kent, Benedictine cathedral priory of Holy Trinity or Christ Church</orgName>: the colophon (p. 581) indicates that the book was commissioned and paid for by <persName key="person_4807">Thomas Goldston</persName>, prior of Canterbury from 1495–1517 (<ref target="">MLGB3</ref>).</provenance>
<provenance>According to a pencil note in the official copy of the catalogue this manuscript contained the inscription <quote xml:lang="la">Olim possedit Jac. Ofcote (?) miles</quote>, but this appears to have been lost when the volume was rebound.</provenance>
<provenance notAfter="1735" notBefore="1674" resp="#MMM">
<persName key="person_11058091" role="fmo">Thomas Tanner, 1674–1735</persName>
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<ref target="">Summary description</ref> abbreviated from the Quarto Catalogue (A. Hackman, <title>Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ pars quarta codices viri admodum reverendi Thomæ Tanneri, S.T.P., episcopi Asaphensis, complectens</title>, Quarto Catalogues IV, repr. 1966, with corrections, from the ed. of 1860). Decoration, localization and date follow Pächt and Alexander (1966). <listBibl>
<source>Description by Andrew Dunning (November 2023). Previously described in the Quarto Catalogue (A. Hackman, <title>Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ pars quarta codices viri admodum reverendi Thomæ Tanneri, S.T.P., episcopi Asaphensis, complectens</title>, Quarto Catalogues IV, repr. 1966, with corrections, from the ed. of 1860). Decoration, localization and date follow Pächt and Alexander (1966). <listBibl>
<bibl facs="aas0097.gif" type="SC">Summary Catalogue, Vol. 3, p. 82</bibl>
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<listBibl type="PRINT">
<head>Printed descriptions:</head>
<bibl>A. Watson, <title>Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts in Oxford Libraries</title> (1984), <citedRange unit="entry" from="704" to="704">
<bibl>A. Watson, <title>Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts in Oxford Libraries</title> (1984), <citedRange from="704" to="704" unit="entry">
<ref target="">no. 704</ref>
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<change when="2023-11-03"><persName>Andrew Dunning</persName> Revised with consultation of original.</change>
<change when="2021-12-14">Add provenance information from MLGB3.</change>
<change when="2018-08-15" xml:id="MMM">
<persName>Mitch Fraas</persName> Provenance and acquisition information added using <ref target=""></ref> in collaboration with the <ref target="">Mapping Manuscript Migrations</ref> project.</change>
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19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions persons.xml
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Expand Up @@ -212660,6 +212660,25 @@ Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom 63) num. 251];
<person xml:id="person_4806">
<persName type="display" source="bodl">Neell, Jacobus, 15th century, of Rouen</persName>
<persName>Neill, James</persName>
<persName>Neell, Jacques</persName>
<person xml:id="person_4807">
<persName type="display" source="bodl">Goldston, Thomas, 1450?–1517</persName>
<birth when="1450"/>
<death when="1517"/>
<note type="links">
<list type="links">
<ref target="">
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