This intro course requires no electronics experience, and only minimal programming experience. Uses the SparkFun Inventor’s Kit plus a few extra things like the Magician's Chassis.
Visit the course website to learn more.
- Class 1: Getting set up and making lights blink - Get the Arduino set up, learn a little about the Arduino Uno and open source hardware. Make your first circuit, and construct a traffic light.
- Class 2: Switches, Knobs, & Sensors - Improve your traffic light. Add an arrival sensor, learn about how to read switches with a pull-up circuit and analog inputs. Learn about various sensors.
- Class 3: Analog Output and LCD display - The class turns more to projects. Learn about PWM and controlling LEDs, build a thermometer with LCD readout and fun tricolor displacy.
- Class 4: Motors and making things move - Focus is controlling motors and high power devices. Build a little robot.
- Class 5: MATLAB and Arduino - Learn about MATLAB support for arduino.
This repository contains the code and schematics for the Fun with Arduino introductory course Currently, I am migrating the code and schematics from google drive as I prepare for our February 2014 course.
Fun with Arduino by Rob Purser is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at Copyright Rob Purser, 2013-2014