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Ruby bindings for the Bodhi API & factories for random data generation

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bodhi-slam is an ORM for the Bodhi API which provides a simple DSL for interacting with resources in the cloud.


bodhi-slam has been tested on: MRI Ruby 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, and JRuby 9.0.0


gem install bodhi-slam

or add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'bodhi-slam'

Basic Usage


require 'bodhi-slam'
context = "SERVER_URL", namespace: "NAMESPACE_NAME", username: "USERNAME", password: "PASSWORD")
klasses = BodhiSlam.define_resources(context)

The BodhiSlam.define_resources method returns an array of classes built from all Bodhi::Type records in the namespace. These classes will also be defined globally as constants named after their property.

Given a single type named "Store" is present in a namespace
And a context is defined

BodhiSlam.define_resources(context).first #=> Store

If you only need a small subset of the Resources in a namespace, you can filter using the :include or :except options

BodhiSlam.define_resources(context, include: ["Store", "SalesTransaction"]) #only returns Store and SalesTransaction classes
BodhiSlam.define_resources(context, except: ["Store"])                      #returns all Resources classes except Store

# Symbols can also be used for the type names
BodhiSlam.define_resources(context, except: [:Foo, :Bar])

TODO: define resources by Bodhi::Type.package name.


All requests to the Bodhi API must be done using a Bodhi::Context object.

options = { server: "SERVER_URL", namespace: "NAMESPACE_NAME", username: "NAME", password: "PASSWORD" }
context =

Additionally, a Bodhi::Context can be initialized to use COOKIE_AUTH with the following options:

options = { server: "SERVER_URL", namespace: "NAMESPACE_NAME", username: "NAME", cookie: "COOKIE" }
context =

TIP: It's best to use COOKIE_AUTH whenever possible for performance reasons

If you plan to re-use the same context, then you can set it globally by using:

Bodhi::Context.global_context = context
Bodhi::Context.global_context #=> returns the current global context

Warning: Using the global context is not thread safe! Beware of race conditions!

Context Validations

context =
context.valid?      #=> false
context.errors.any? #=> true
context.errors.to_a #=> ["server is required", "namespace is required"]


The Bodhi::Type class provides an interface for interacting with data collections in the Bodhi API. The code snippet below demonstrates how to create a new Bodhi::Type

# Define a new type and save it to the cloud
options = { bodhi_context: context, name: "TestName", properties: { foo: { type: "String" }, bar: { type: "String" } } }
type =

# Create the Ruby class based on the type
# This allows all the helper functions associated Bodhi::Resource to work

All Bodhi::Type objects inherit the following interface:

# Class methods

# Instance methods
type = context)
type.patch(op: "replace", path: "/properties/name/type", value: "DateTime")


All resources inherit the following interface.

# Class methods

# Instance methods
record = context)
record.attributes #=> returns a Hash of the resource's properties and their current values       #=> saves the resource to the cloud
record.delete     #=> deletes the resource from the cloud
record.update(attributes) #=> updates the resource with the given attributes
record.patch(op: "replace", path: "/display_name", value: "test")

record.persisted?  #=> false
record.new_record? #=> true


record =
record.valid?      #=> false
record.errors.any? #=> true
record.errors.to_a #=> ["name is required", "store_number can not be blank"]


All Bodhi::Resource classes have pre-defined factories based on the parent Bodhi::Type. The factory will be built using the defined properties and validations from the Bodhi::Type. The following methods are available for factories:            #=> returns a randomly generated record
Resource.factory.create(options)           #=> returns a randomly generated record and saves to the cloud
Resource.factory.build_list(qty, options)  #=> returns an array of randomly generated records
Resource.factory.create_list(qty, options) #=> returns an array of randomly generated records and saves each to the cloud

If you want to set a non-random property, simply add that property and value to the options hash. All other properties will still be randomly generated. "test", some_number: 12345)

NOTE: When generating a list of random records, any property set in the options hash will be applied to ALL records in the list

Defining custom factory generators

If you need to define your own generators for a factory, you can access them through:

#Get all factory generators for a resource

#Get a generator by its name

#Override an existing generator. (value must be a Lambda!)
Resource.factory.generators[:property] = lambda { #define your generator here }

Query Interface

Basic query structure:

# How to invoke a query
Resource.where(name: "test").from(context).all    #=> returns an array of all records that match the query
Resource.where(name: "test").from(context).first  #=> returns the first record that matches the query
Resource.where(name: "test").from(context).last   #=> returns the last record that matches the query
Resource.where(name: "test").from(context).count  #=> returns a count of all records that match the query
Resource.where(name: "test").from(context).delete #=> deletes all records that match the query

# Troubleshooting query issues?  Use this:
Resource.where(name: "test").from(context).url    #=> returns a String of the URL that will be used for the query

Additional methods:

Resource.where(query).and(other_query)                  # chains criteria for complex queries
Resource.where(query).select("field1, field2, field3")  # filters the response to the given fields
Resource.where(query).sort(field_name, order)           # sorts the query by the given field and sort order
Resource.where(query).page(page_number)                 # jumps to the given page of the query
Resource.where(query).limit(size)                       # limits the ammount of records returned by the query (must be less than 100)

Complex query criteria:

Resource.where(foo: "12345", test: { "$exists" => true }).and(bar: { "$in" => [1,2,3] })  #=> "/resources/TestResource?where={\"foo\":\"12345\",\"test\":{\"$exists\":true},\"bar\":{\"$in\":[1,2,3]}}"

Aggregation Interface

The Bodhi API uses the MongoDB Aggregation Framework. See the MongoDB Aggregation page for more info on how to format your aggregation pipelines.

pipeline = { "$match" => { name: "My Awesome Thing" } }.to_json
Resource.aggregate(pipeline) #=> returns a Ruby Hash of the JSON response from the cloud


Supported relation types:

Resource.belongs_to(association_name, options={})               # Links the resource to it's parent
Resource.has_one(association_name, options={})                  # One - One relation
Resource.has_many(association_name, options={})                 # One - Many relation
Resource.has_many_ids(association_name, options={})             # One - Many relation (using an array of id's)
Resource.has_many_through(association_name, options={})         # Many - Many relation
Resource.has_and_belongs_to_many(association_name, options={})  # Many - Many relation

Relation options:

class_name      # defines the Resource class name if the :association_name does not match the classes name
foreign_key     # defines a property to be used as a foreign_key on the related Resource
primary_key     # defines a property to use as the priary key on the Resource
query           # defines additional query criteria to use to filter related Resources

Example relations:

# Given the Resources:
@pokeball = Object.const_set("Pokeball",{ include Bodhi::Associations })
@trainer = Object.const_set("Trainer",{ include Bodhi::Associations })
@pokedex = Object.const_set("Pokedex",{ include Bodhi::Associations })
@pokemon = Object.const_set("Pokemon",{ include Bodhi::Associations })

# Using One-One
@trainer.has_one :starter_pokemon, class_name: "Pokemon", primary_key: "name", foreign_key: "trainer_name"

# Using One-Many
@trainer.has_many :fire_pokemon, class_name: "Pokemon", primary_key: "name", foreign_key: "trainer_name", query: { type: "Fire" }
@trainer.has_many :pokemon, through: "Pokeball"

# Using One-One Through
@trainer.has_one :pokemon, through: "Pokedex" :trainer_id, type: "String", is_not_blank: true :pokedex_id, type: "String", is_not_blank: true

Batch Uploads

WARNING: This is depreciated and will be removed. DO NOT USE

This feature utilizes MongoDB batch uploads for increased performance when inserting lots of records. The Resource.save_batch method returns a Bodhi::ResourceBatch object, which contains the failed and created records.

records = Resource.factory.build_list(5000, bodhi_context: context)
batch = Resource.save_batch(records)
batch.created #=> returns an array of all recrods that were saved
batch.failed  #=> returns an array of all recrods that failed to save

Simulation Helpers


# Define the settings for your simulation loop
settings = {starts_at: "2016-06-14", iterations: 10, time_units: "days", time_scale: 1}
settings = {starts_at: "2016-06-14", iterations: 10, time_units: "minutes", time_scale: 15}

# Run the simulation
Bodhi::Simulator.execute(settings) do |frame|
  # define your own simulation logic here

# Simulation Frames
frame.iteration # the current iteration of the simulation (Integer)
frame.time      # the current time of the simulation (DateTime)

# Nesting simulations
Bodhi::Simulator.execute(outer_settings) do |outer_frame|
  # define your own simulation logic here
  # run a nested simulation
  Bodhi::Simulator.execute(inner_settings) do |inner_frame|
    # define your own simulation logic here
  # define more simulation logic here

Normal Distributions

Core Properties:
  mean            # Mean of the distribution
  std_dev         # Standard deviation of the distribution
  scale           # The weight of the curve against others in the distribution
Additional Properties:
  mean_range      # Array used to define a range that a random mean can be chosen from
  std_dev_range   # Array used to define a range that a random std_dev can be chosen from
  title           # optional title for tracking purposes

  curve = { mean_range: [4.5,5.5], std_dev_range: [1, 2], scale: 1.0 }
  curve = { mean: 0, std_dev: 1, scale: 1.0 }
Required Properties:
  curves          # Array of Bodhi::Simulation::NormalDistributionCurve objects
Example: [{ mean: 0, std_dev: 1, scale: 1.0 }])

NormalDistributions can be randomized using the mean_range and std_dev_range properties of a NormalDistributionCurve object

randomized_distribution = Bodhi::Simulation::NormalDistribution.randomize([{ mean_range: [4.5,5.5], std_dev_range: [1, 2], scale: 1.0 }])

Calculating the value at a given x coordinate:

distribution = [{ mean: 0, std_dev: 1, scale: 1.0 }])
distribution.calculate(0).round(3) #=> 0.399


Ruby bindings for the Bodhi API & factories for random data generation






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