This project can be used to create a Teamcity cluster using docker/docker-machine/docker-compose
How it works:
- Currently the image expects a existing /data/BuildServer on the host machine or it will default to in-memory DB
- It supports scaling the agents
- You have to authorise the agents
What to you might do:
- Provision a bear metal box somewhere with SSH access (or just local)
- Download the standalone binaries for
- docker
- docker-machine
- docker-compose
- Put them in the path and make them executable
- docker-machine create -d generic --generic-ip-address=${IP} ${fqdn} (or just create a local setup)
- Clone this project
- Generate a password for POSTGRES: echo POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32) > .env
- docker-compose pull
- docker-compose up -d --scale agent=2
If you decide to kill it make sure you do docker-compose down
otherwise you will get wierd errors about absolute paths
- Support restoring from backup zip via environment variable
- Support downloading JDBC drivers via environment variable