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Code kata using the NYT API.


Techniques & APIs used in this project:

Vanilla JS

  • ES6/Next syntax (const, let, arrow functions, template literals, destructuring assignment, etc.)
  • Modules to export functions, classes, etc.
  • Async/Await to simplify asynchronous code (instead of callbacks or promises alone).
  • Fetch & Rest APIs
  • Intersection Observer
  • for offline support
  • LocalStorage to cache (dogfooding with Satchel) for offline, or if the API fails (i.e. 429 etc.)
  • DOM Manipulation using template literals and methods like querySelector to select, create and manipulate DOM.
  • Use of event handlers to respond to user interaction
  • Error handling using try/catch blocks


The project heavily uses Cloudflare Workers as a caching and request orchestration layer between the client and backend APIs by safelisting, retrying, caching, collating responses and handling errors.

  • Wrangler API for Worker local dev
  • allows requests only from safelisted domains
  • allows for multiple API calls and collates them into a single response object
  • resilient throttled fetch retries if source API times out with a non-normal response
  • custom response Cache-Control headers to enable browser and Cloudflare caching
  • CF Cache API to check for cached responses

The NYT APIs are quite restrictive, so the next steps are to aggressively fine-tune the caching strategy and use Cloudflare's cron features to pre-fetch and cache responses to limit requests to the NYT origin servers.


  • Git & Github
  • Eslint
  • Stylelint
  • Prettier
  • Parcel
  • Browserlist
  • PostCSS
  • EditorConfig
  • NPM
  • Vitest