A tool that analyzes a stencil kernel to identify and apply a code optimization strategy to maximize runtime performance
Supplementary tool for my dissertation Supporting Performance in Scientific Applications with Energy and Resilience Constraints from Modern Architectures
Required libraries/tools for use:
- R > 3.6
- PLUTO Polyhedral Compiler: https://github.com/bondhugula/pluto
- POET: https://github.com/qingyi-yan/POET
Note: This tool is very preliminary and has only been tested on our examples in the respective directory
Current working examples:
- The Wave equation stencil in subdirectory examples/wave3d_4oa
- The Heat equation stencil in subdirectory examples/heat1d_2oa
To test an example, repeat the steps for a given {case_study}, where each step must be performed in the root diretory of this tool
cp examples/{case_study}/* .
Rscript predict_opt.R --in {case_study}.c
gcc out.c -O3 -fopenmp -march -native -o opt_{case_study}.exe
Note: Compilation of the output optimized stencil code is delegated to the user, who may use their preferred C compiler
Full Example
cp example/heat1d_2oa/* .
Rscript predict_opt.R --in heat1d_2oa.c
gcc out.c -O3 -fopenmp -march=native -lm -o opt_heat1d_2oa.exe
./opt_heat1d_2oa 16000000 0 0 64
opt_example/ has optimized examples of the heat and wave use cases (the intended output of the optimizer)
_Note: Feel free to test with your own stencils (some of the parsing is pretty simplistic though and it might break..). _ To use, include #pragma stencil before the loops of you stencil code, for example:
#pragma stencil
for (t = 0; t < T_MAX; t++)
for (x = 1; x < x_max - 1; x++)
u_0_0[1-t%2][x] = u_0_0[t%2][x] +
0.125 * (u_0_0[t%2][x+1] - 2*u_0_0[t%2][x] + u_0_0[t%2][x-1]);