fstrace uses ptrace
to check file system accesses of a program.
fstrace touch /tmp/foo 3>&1
RX /vscode/bin/linux-x64/384ff7382de624fb94dbaf6da11977bba1ecd427/bin/remote-cli/touch
RX /usr/local/share/nvm/versions/node/v18.20.4/bin/touch
RX /usr/local/sbin/touch
RX /usr/local/bin/touch
RX /usr/sbin/touch
RF /usr/bin/touch
RX /etc/ld.so.preload
RF /etc/ld.so.cache
RF /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
WF /tmp/foo
File access reports are printed to file descriptor 3 in the following format:
<access_type><file_type> <file_path>
for read,W
for write/create,D
for delete,E
for enumerate<file_type>
for file,D
for directory,X
for does not exist
npm i -g fstrace
cmake -S. -B ./build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build ./build --target all
cmake --build ./build --target test
build/fstrace bash -c 'echo "foo" >> /tmp/foo' 3>&1
cmake -S. -B ./build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build ./build --target all
build/fstrace-debug bash -c 'echo "foo" >> /tmp/foo' 3>&1