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bmhtech07 committed Jan 16, 2022
1 parent de166d7 commit e3d15d5
Showing 1 changed file with 202 additions and 75 deletions.
277 changes: 202 additions & 75 deletions js/collect4.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,100 +2,184 @@
* Set variables.
let emailFields = {};
let firstNameFields = {};
let lastNameFields = {};
let fullNameFields = {};
let outputData = {
at_key: document.currentScript.getAttribute('atKey'),
url: '',
email_1: '',
email: '',
first_name: '',
last_name: '',
full_name: '',
ip_address: '',
utm_source: '',
utm_medium: '',
utm_campaign: '',
utm_term: '',
utm_content: '',
let postCount = 0;
let childListenerCount = 0;
let parentListenerCount = 0;

* This is the Proxy target for outputData. Allows a 'clone' of outputData, and then allows monitoring for changes before
* mutating outputData itself via the setter method.
let outputDataWatch = { // T
set: function (outputData, prop, value) { // Initiate a setter
outputData[prop] = value; // Do the setting.
if (prop.includes('email_')) { // Does the prop include email?
if (validateEmail(value)) { // Check fo validity, to stop lots of requests. If true...
postData('', outputData)
.then(response => {
console.log(response); // JSON data parsed by `data.json()` call.
} else {
console.log(outputData, "Don't post");
* This checks to see if any new elements have been added to the DOM body. If so, it re-runs findFields.
let docBody = document.body || document.documentElement; // document.body might not be ready when on initial load
let timer;
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
if (!docBody) {
window.setTimeout(observer, 500);
let outputDataProxy = new Proxy(outputData, outputDataWatch); // Proxy creates a copy of outputData and accesses via outputDataWatch

* Check to ensure document is ready before trying findFields(). Otherwise, might be missed.
if (document.readyState === "complete" || (document.readyState !== "loading" && !document.documentElement.doScroll)) {
findFields(); // If ready, go and find fields.
} else { // If not, set a listener on the document to wait until DOM content is loaded, then findFields
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", findFields);
if (timer) {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);

// call `observe()` on that MutationObserver instance ,
// passing it the element to observe, and the options object
observer.observe(docBody, {subtree: true, childList: true});

* This is for SPAs. It re-runs findFields every time a window.location href change is detected.
* This is for SPAs. It re-runs findFields every time a window.location href change is detected.
let oldHref = document.location.href;

window.onload = () => {
let bodyList = document.querySelector("body");
let observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
mutations.forEach( () => {
mutations.forEach(() => {
if (oldHref != document.location.href) {
oldHref = document.location.href;

observer.observe(bodyList, {childList: true, subtree: true});

* This function works out where / what the script is. It looks to see if it is embedded in the outer-most element
* in the DOM, or if it is an iFrame. And then, the functions are split accordingly to avoid duplication etc.

function selfInquiry() {
if (window.self == { // This script is in the outer-most element (not an iFrame)...
// if (document.body.querySelectorAll('script[data-adTorch="set"]').length === 0) { // ... and there are no other adTorch scripts in the DOM
if (document.querySelectorAll('iframe[src*="clickfunnels"]').length === 0) { // ... and there are no other adTorch scripts in the DOM
console.log('We are the outer - simple');
} else { // ... and there IS another adTorch script in the DOM
console.log('We are the outer WITH an inner');
setParentListener(); // Set the parent listener, and in
} else { // Window != top and therefore this script is within an iFrame.
console.log('We are the INNER');
// signalPresence();
setChildListener(); // Set listener to receive data parsed in findParams();

* This is the Proxy target for outputData. Allows a 'clone' of outputData, and then allows monitoring for changes before
* mutating outputData itself via the setter method.
let outputDataWatch = { // T
set: function (outputData, prop, value) { // Initiate a setter
outputData[prop] = value; // Do the setting.
if (prop.includes('email')) { // Does the prop include email?
if (validateEmail(value)) { // Check fo validity, to stop lots of requests. If true...
postData('', outputData)
.then(response => {
console.log(postCount); // JSON data parsed by `data.json()` call.
.catch(err => {
let outputDataProxy = new Proxy(outputData, outputDataWatch); // Proxy creates a copy of outputData and accesses via outputDataWatch

* This function finds the fields by looking for any input field with 'email'. The first block adds a listener to disable
* the 'enter' functionality because (We don't want form submitting without validating it's an actual email address, or
* we'll receive too many requests.)
* The second block adds 'onblur' where we capture the email address.
* Finally, we store the data in sessionStorage to be submitted now or later in session (if required)
* This function finds the fields we're targeting.
* Then, for each email field we pass the value to sessionStorage to be used later in the session, if required.
* Then, we find the field's parent form and then add the email field value to Output data on form submission.
* We watch for form submission in two ways (for browser compatability) - onsubmit, ad via adding a 'submit' event listener.
* In both cases, we assign relevant data to outputData by 'grabAndDispatch'.
function findFields(settings) {
let reset = settings && settings.reset ? settings.reset : false;
emailFields = document.querySelectorAll("input[id*='email'], input[type*='email'], input[name*='email']");
emailFields.forEach((field, index) => {
field.addEventListener('keypress', (event) => {
if (event.keyCode === 13) { // keyCode 13 is 'enter
event.preventDefault(); // Remove default behaviour
firstNameFields = document.querySelectorAll("input[name*='first_name'], input[name*='firstName'], input[name*='firstname'], input[id*='first_name'], input[id*='firstName'], input[id*='firstname']");
lastNameFields = document.querySelectorAll("input[name*='last_name'], input[name*='lastName'], input[name*='lastname'], input[id*='last_name'], input[id*='lastName'], input[id*='lastname']");
fullNameFields = document.querySelectorAll("input[name*='full_name'], input[name*='fullName'], input[name*='fullname'], input[id*='full_name'], input[id*='fullName'], input[id*='fullname']");
emailFields.forEach((field) => {
localStorage.setItem('adTorch_email', field.value);
var parentForm = field.form;
if (parentForm) {
if (parentForm.getAttribute('atSubmitAdded') !== 'true') {
parentForm.setAttribute('atSubmitAdded', 'true');
parentForm.addEventListener('submit', () => {
console.log("We've got one with a parent listener");
}, true );
emailFields.forEach((field, index) => {
field.addEventListener('blur', () => {
outputDataProxy['email_' + parseInt(index + 1)] = field.value; // Pass to Proxy to do validation and spot change.
sessionStorage.setItem(('email_' + parseInt(index + 1)), field.value); // Update sessionStorage with latest email
parentForm.onsubmit = (e) => {
console.log("We've got one with a parent onSubmit");

setInterval(() => {findFields()}, 3000);

* This function is applied to onsubmit events, and also as a listener for the 'submit' event. In either case, it does
* the same thing: It iterates through each of the respective field values and sets output data to the value, so long
* as there is a value in that field. Then, it submits the data to adTorch.
function grabAndDispatch() {
if (postCount === 0) {
postCount++; // This is to ensure that we don't post the data twice (ie., onsubmit and via 'submit' listener.
firstNameFields.forEach((field) => {
field.value != '' ? outputData.first_name = field.value : false;
lastNameFields.forEach((field) => {
field.value != '' ? outputData.last_name = field.value : false;
fullNameFields.forEach((field) => {
field.value != '' ? outputData.full_name = field.value : false;
emailFields.forEach((field) => {
field.value != '' ? = field.value : false;
postData('', outputData)
.then(response => {
.catch(err => {

* This function grabs the URL and params.
@@ -110,36 +194,81 @@ function findParams(settings) {
let querystring = self.split("?"); // Look for the '?' and splits the string above.
outputData.url = querystring[0]; // Pass first part of string as landing URL
sessionStorage.setItem('url', decodeURIComponent(querystring[0])); // Add url to session storage
localStorage.setItem('url', decodeURIComponent(querystring[0])); // Add url to local storage
if (querystring.length > 1) {
let pairs = querystring[1].split("&"); // Split at existing string at next param.
for (let i in pairs) { // Repeat for the new truncated string, and loop
let keyVal = pairs[i].split("="); // foreach, split the key from the value
outputData[keyVal[0]] = keyVal[1]; // Pass key / value pairs to outputData
if (reset || sessionStorage.getItem(keyVal[0]) === null) { // if storage settings reset OR we don't yet have a key value pair saved...
sessionStorage.setItem(keyVal[0], decodeURIComponent(keyVal[1]));
sessionStorage.setItem('adTorch_' + keyVal[0], decodeURIComponent(keyVal[1]));

* This is a WIP. It's purpose is to alert the window that the Collect Script is embedded within THIS iframe.
// function signalPresence() {
// let scriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
// scriptTag = scriptTag[scriptTag.length - 1];
// let parentTag = window.parent.document.body;
// let previouslyTagged = document.querySelectorAll('[atScriptEmbedded="true"]');
// previouslyTagged.forEach((el) => {
// el.removeAttribute('atScriptEmbedded');
// })
// parentTag.setAttribute('atScriptEmbedded', 'true');
// }

function findIp(settings) {
let reset = settings && settings.reset ? settings.reset : false;
let ipAddress = '';
.then(results => results.json())
.then(data => ipAddress = data.ip)
.catch((error) => {
ipAddress = null;

* This function sets a listener to the Outer-most window (ie., We are the outer WITH an inner) that waits to ensure
* that the iframe listener is setup and ready. Once received a message of 'Ready', it passes the data back to the source
* (iframe).

function setParentListener() {
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
if ( === 'adTorch listener Ready') {
event.source.postMessage(outputData, '*');

* This function sets a listener to the parent window, that listens for the data being passed from the parent Window
* via passData below. It is only set if the script exists within an iframe.

function setChildListener() {
if (childListenerCount === 0) { // Only set the listener once.
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
outputData =;
// console.log(ipAddress);
outputData.ip_address = ipAddress;
if (reset || sessionStorage.getItem('ip_address') === null) { // if storage settings reset OR we don't yet have a key with value 'ip_address'
sessionStorage.setItem('ip_address', ipAddress);
childListenerCount ++;
setTimeout(() => {
window.parent.postMessage('adTorch listener Ready', '*');
}, );
console.log('Reported as ready. Listener count: ', childListenerCount, );

* This function passes data from parent to child iframe.
* It REQUIRES MORE WORK to identify the correct child iframe to pass the data to, rather than just looking for ClickFunnels.

// function passData() {
// let iframe = document.body.querySelectorAll('iframe[src*="clickfunnels"]')[0].contentWindow;
// iframe.postMessage(outputData, '*');
// console.log('outputData Sent');
// }

* Validate the email address input
@@ -152,17 +281,15 @@ function validateEmail(email) {
* Standard FETCH setup
async function postData(url, data) {
const response = await fetch(url, {
return await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
keepalive: true, // Required for Safari
mode: 'cors', // no-cors, *cors, same-origin
cache: 'no-cache', // *default, no-cache, reload, force-cache, only-if-cached
credentials: 'same-origin', // include, *same-origin, omit
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
redirect: 'follow', // manual, *follow, error
referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
body: JSON.stringify(data)
return response; // append with .json() if returning JSON object to parse JSON response into native JavaScript objects
}); // append with .json() if returning JSON object to parse JSON response into native JavaScript objects

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