In a bazaar you can find anything, like in Bazaar. Every file for every project, no matters what it is. Bazaar is an agnostic storage system which can saves the binary data in your local hard disc, S3, FTP... and the metadata of the files into a mongo database.
pip install bazaar
from bazaar import FileSystem
f = FileSystem()
# 'Put' function always receive bytes, so in the case of text you must encode it
f.put("/my_text.txt", "hello world".encode())
# And 'get' returns bytes too
# b'hello world'
# ['my_text.txt']
b = f.remove("/my_text.txt")
# You don't need to manage directories, just use it
d = f.put("/dir/subdir/other", "hello world".encode())
# Directories are listed using a different method
# ['dir']
# ['my_text.txt']
There are several scenarios when you configure the database for Bazaar, tell us if yours is not covered!
f = FileSystem()
It will create a directory called 'bazaar' in your workspace for storage and a database called 'bazaar' at localhost.
You handle your mongoengine connection by your own way so bazaar does not have to handle anything about that (use default connection)
f = FileSystem(db_uri=None)
If you plan to use bazaar in multiple applications, this is the ideal option. A server dedicated to bazaar
f = FileSystem(storage_uri='s3://foo:bar@my-bucket', db_uri='mongo://user:pass@mongohost/database')
Yes, by this way you have a fully external storage system that can be used in any project! There is a new parameter called 'storage_uri', in the following section we will talk about it
Bazaar support many storages since it uses the awesome library PyFilesystem2. It supports local storage, ftp, memory, amazon s3... And you can build your own storage if you need it!
If you are planning to use Amazon S3 you will need you install fs-s3fs
pip install fs-s3fs
The value of the parameters 'storage_uri' is passed directly to PyFilesystem2 so check their documentation for more information
Just run
python bazaar/test/