A Typescript Library for interacting with MevWallets
Please see the MevWallet repo for an explanation of what a MevWallet
is, and
why you'd want to use one
This repo has a TS library for working with MevTxns, based on ethers.js
Use MevTxBuilder
to build a txn:
import { MevTxBuilder } from 'mev-tx-ts';
const builder = new MevTxBuilder(walletAddress, provider);
builder.to = wethAddress;
// this is the easiest way to do calls to other contracts :)
builder.data = weth
.encodeFunctionData('transfer', recipient, amount);
builder.tip = ethers.utils.parseUnits('1', 'gwei');
await builder.complete();
let signed = await builder.sign(wallet);
Send the MevTx
from some account:
builder.send(fromSigner, overrides);
You can also use this lib to deploy a new proxy contract:
import { getFactory } from 'mev-tx-ts';
const factory = getFactory(provider);
const wallet = factory.createWallet();
- MevWeth:
- MevWalletV1 Implementation:
- MevWalletV1 ProxyFactory:
Didn't bother to grind an address for the proxy factory :)
Use devenv.sh
MevWallet and then run
yarn test