This repository contains the R
package now hosted on
and our current GitHub
(Mac Users Only:) Ensure you have installed XQuartz first.
Make sure you have the latest R version and the latest BiocManager
package installed following these
instructions (if you use legacy
R versions (<=3.5.0) refer to the instructions at the end of the
mentioned page), you can then install mixOmics
using the following
## install BiocManager if not installed
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
## install mixOmics
Install the devtools package in R,
then load it and install the latest stable version of mixOmics
(as bug-free as it can be):
## install devtools if not installed
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE))
## install mixOmics
You can also install the development version:
devtools::install_github("mixOmicsTeam/mixOmics", ref="devel")
Check after installation that the following code does not throw any error (especially Mac users - refer to installation instructions) and that the welcome message confirms you have installed latest version as in the latest package DESCRIPTION file:
#> Loaded mixOmics ?.?.?
We welcome community contributions concordant with our code of conduct. We strongly recommend adhering to Bioconductor’s coding guide for software consistenncy.
To report a bug (or offer a solution for a bug!): We fully welcome and appreciate well-formatted and detailed pull requests. Preferrably with tests on our datasets.
We wish to make our discussions transparent so please direct your questions to our discussion forum This forum is aimed to host discussions on choices of multivariate analyses, bug report as well as comments and suggestions to improve the package. We hope to create an active community of users, data analysts, developers and R programmers alike! Thank you!
is collaborative project between Australia (Melbourne),
France (Toulouse), and Canada (Vancouver). The core team includes
Kim-Anh Lê Cao - (University
of Melbourne), Florian Rohart -
(Toulouse) and Sébastien Déjean - We also have key
contributors, past (Benoît Gautier, François Bartolo) and present (Al
Abadi, University of Melbourne) and several collaborators including
Amrit Singh (University of British Columbia), Olivier Chapleur (IRSTEA,
Paris), Antoine Bodein (Universite de Laval) - it could be you too, if
you wish to be involved!.
The project started at the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse in
France, and has been fully implemented in Australia, at the University
of Queensland, Brisbane (2009 – 2016) and at the University of
Melbourne, Australia (from 2017). We focus on the development of
computational and statistical methods for biological data integration
and their implementation in mixOmics
offers a wide range of novel multivariate methods for the
exploration and integration of biological datasets with a particular
focus on variable selection. Single ‘omics analysis does not provide
enough information to give a deep understanding of a biological system,
but we can obtain a more holistic view of a system by combining multiple
‘omics analyses. Our mixOmics
R package proposes a whole range of
multivariate methods that we developed and validated on many biological
studies to gain more insight into ‘omics biological studies. (tutorials and resources)
Our latest bookdown vignette:
We have developed 17 novel multivariate methods (the package includes 19 methods in total). The names are full of acronyms, but are represented in this diagram. PLS stands for Projection to Latent Structures (also called Partial Least Squares, but not our prefered nomenclature), CCA for Canonical Correlation Analysis.
That’s it! Ready! Set! Go!
Thank you for using
- You can now customise
plots in version 6.8.3
You can find an example in here.
- The infamous
bug has been fixed in version 6.8.2
You can find the details and an example in here.