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Tried a new approach to the documentation system. Worked out pretty well;
extremely easy to document commands (automates the boring work; each
library has only one file)
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bluebear94 committed Feb 9, 2014
1 parent 1e3cc7c commit 0f181d0
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Showing 7 changed files with 269 additions and 3 deletions.
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions docs/std.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
desc "Adds zero or more values. Will return a value with the most generalized type. If all arguments are strings, then concatenates them."
throws 1
desc "Subtracts zero or more values from the first argument. Will return a value with the most generalized type."
throws 1
desc "Multiplies zero or more values. Will return a value with the most generalized type."
throws 1
desc "Divides zero or more values from the first argument. Will always return a floating-point value."
throws 1
desc "Integer divides zero or more values from the first argument. Note that this does not accept floating-point values."
throws 1
desc "Finds the remainder of two integers. If more than two arguments are present, folds the operation from left to right."
throws 1
desc "Displays the argument to the homescreen in the GUI. It might also be useful to note that the value is also shown in the terminal with the prefix `[hluna]'."
desc "Returns the additive inverse of an argument."
throws 1
desc "Takes the average of two numbers."
throws 1
desc "Returns true if two values are equal; false otherwise."
desc "Returns true if two values are unequal; false otherwise."
desc "Returns true if the first value is greater than the second; false otherwise."
desc "Returns true if the first value is less than the second; false otherwise."
desc "Returns true if the first value is greater than or equal to the second; false otherwise."
desc "Returns true if the first value is less than or equal to the second; false otherwise."
desc "Returns the absolute value of a number."
throws 1
desc "Returns an element prepended to a list or string."
throws 1
desc "Returns the first element of a list or string."
throws 1
desc "Returns a list containing all but the first element of a list or string."
throws 1
desc "Returns an element appended to a list or string."
throws 1
desc "Returns the last element of a list or string."
throws 1
desc "Returns a list containing all but the last element of a list or string."
throws 1
desc "Evaluates the amethyst expression passed as an argument."
desc "Returns the length of a list, string, or number."
throws 1
desc "Returns the current time in milliseconds after Jan. 1, 1970."
desc "Returns the subcollection of the collection #1 from index #2 to #3 (or the end if #3 is undefined)."
throws 1
desc "Returns the string representation for any value. Useful for concatenating to strings."
desc "Returns a random real between zero and one. Might return 0, but never returns 1."
desc "Returns the floor of the number."
throws 1
desc "Returns the fractional part of the number."
throws 1
desc "Maps one or more lists to a function (the last argument). All lists must have the same length."
throws 1
desc "Given a list (#1), a base value (#2), and a function (#3), applies #3 over #2 and each element of #1 (starting from the first)."
throws 1
desc "Given a list (#1), a base value (#2), and a function (#3), applies #3 over #2 and each element of #1 (starting from the last)."
throws 1
desc "Returns a list with all of the elements of #1 which, when passed to #2, return true values."
throws 1
desc "Returns a disassembly of a function. Useful in debugging the compiler."
throws 1
desc "Returns a sorted array. This function also needs a comparison function. Heapsort, which always has an O(n log n) time complexity and an O(1) space complexity but is not stable and is generally slower than quicksort, is used for this function."
throws 1
desc "Returns a sorted array. This function also needs a comparison function. Quicksort, which may occasionally have an O(n^2) time complexity (although use of randomization guarantees O(n log n) complexity in virtually all cases) but is stable unlike heapsort, is used for this function."
throws 1
desc "Returns a sorted linked list. This function also needs a comparison function. An implementation of mergesort for linked lists, which has an O(n log n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity, is used."
throws 1
desc "Help function."
desc "Returns a random integer between a zero and a power of 2 (2^#1)."
throws 1
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/scala/cmdreader/Global.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ object Global {
val TWO = new BigInteger("2")
val vM = 0
val vm = 5
val vr = 18
val vr = 19
val vrr = "-alpha"
val version = "v" + vM + "." + vm + "." + vr + vrr
val r: Random = new Random
Expand Down
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/cmdreader/std/Help.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package cmdreader.std

import cmdreader._
import types._
import gui._
import eloro._
import scala.math.BigInt

class Help extends Command {
override def getName(): String = "help"
override def isValidArg0(n: Int): Boolean = n <= 1
override def apply(args: Array[Type]): Type = {
val ZERO = TMountain(0)
val ONE = TMountain(1)
if (args.length != 0) {
args(0) match {
case TString(s) => Main.println(DocGen.getHelp(s))
case ZERO => {
Main.println("Available commands:")
for (l <- Global.liblist) {
Main.println(" In library " + l._1 + ":")
var s = " "
for (c <- l._2.commandList) {
s += c._1 + " "
case ONE => {
Main.println("About Amethyst\n\nWritten by bluebear94 in Scala\nWith help from [name withheld]")
case _ => Main.println("Unrecognized value")
else {
Main.println("""To search for a specific built-in command, pass the complete command name
|(if the library name is std, then it may be omitted) as an argument.
|Pass 0 as an argument to list all available commands.
|Pass 1 as an argument to see info about this program.""".stripMargin)
new TVoid
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/main/scala/cmdreader/std/Loader.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,5 +60,6 @@ class Loader {
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/scala/cmdreader/std/OAdd.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ class OAdd extends CommandOperator {
def getPrecedence() = PStandard.ADD_SUBT
def isReversed() = false
def hasAssignmentEquiv() = true
def getDoubleBase() = Some(new TMountain(BigInteger.ONE))
def getDoubleBase() = Some(new TMountain(1))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/scala/cmdreader/std/OSubt.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,5 +15,5 @@ class OSubt extends CommandOperator {
def getPrecedence() = PStandard.ADD_SUBT
def isReversed() = false
def hasAssignmentEquiv() = true
def getDoubleBase() = Some(new TMountain(BigInteger.ONE))
def getDoubleBase() = Some(new TMountain(1))
99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/eloro/DocGen.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
package eloro

import types._
import cmdreader._
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
import scala.util.parsing.input._
import java.util.Scanner
* Documentation generator. Called through the $:help command.
* @author bluebear94
object DocGen {
def getProperties(cmd: Command): String = {
val arglist = List.range(0, 20).filter(cmd.isValidArg0(_))
val argstr = "\nValid argcounts: " + arglist.mkString(", ") + (if (arglist.filter(_ > 10).isEmpty) "" else ", ...")
val opProperties = cmd match {
case op: CommandOperator => {
val alias = op.getOpAlias
val hasae = op.hasAssignmentEquiv
val db = op.getDoubleBase
val prec = op.getPrecedence
val un = op.isUnary
val isrtl = op.isReversed
val dm = db match {
case Some(t) => {
"\n" + alias + alias + "a is equivalent to a " + alias + "= " + t
case None => ""
"\nOperator equivalent: " + alias + "\nPrecedence: " + prec + "\nUnary: " + (if (un) "Yes" else "No") + "\n" +
(if (isrtl) "Right-to-left" else "Left-to-right") + (if (hasae) "\nAssignment Equiv.: " + alias + "=") + dm
case _ => ""
cmd.getName + argstr + opProperties
val cmdl: HashMap[String, (List[String]) => String] = HashMap(
("desc", _.head),
("vector", _ => "If applied to one or more lists, this function will apply element-by-element."),
("throws", (a: List[String]) => "Throws: " + a.mkString(", ")))
def out(c: String, a: List[String]) = {
if (cmdl.isDefinedAt(c)) cmdl(c)(a)
else throw new NoSuchDocCommandException("Command not found: " + c)
def parseCmd(ln: String) = {
val p = new EP
import p._
val pp = phrase(line)
val ret = pp(new CharSequenceReader(ln))
ret match {
case Success(res, t) => out(res._1, res._2)
case NoSuccess(msg, t) => {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not parse: " + msg + " in line: " + ln)
def getHelp(name: String) = {
if (name.charAt(0) != '$' || name.indexOf(":") == -1) "Invalid command name"
else {
val bp = getProperties(Global.getCmdno(name.substring(1)))
val l = name.substring(1, name.indexOf(":"))
val n = name.substring(name.indexOf(":") + 1)
val lib = if (l == "") "std" else l
val s = new Scanner(new File("docs/" + lib + ".txt"))
var txt = ""
while (txt != ("#" + n) && s.hasNextLine) {
txt = s.nextLine
var details = ""
def readAndAppend = {
txt = s.nextLine
if (!txt.startsWith("#")) details += "\n" + parseCmd(txt)
if (s.hasNextLine) readAndAppend
while (!txt.startsWith("#") && s.hasNextLine) {
bp + details
class NoSuchDocCommandException(msg: String) extends RuntimeException
* Parser class for doc commands.
class EP extends RegexParsers with PackratParsers {
override def skipWhitespace = false
lazy val quoted: PackratParser[String] = "\"" ~> "[^\"]*".r <~ "\""
lazy val unquoted: PackratParser[String] = regex("[^\"\\s]*".r)
lazy val args: PackratParser[List[String]] = repsep(quoted | unquoted, " ")
lazy val lineA: PackratParser[(String, List[String])] = unquoted ~ " " ~ args ^^ {
case uq ~ _ ~ a => (uq, a)
lazy val lineB: PackratParser[(String, List[String])] = unquoted ^^ {s: String => (s, Nil)}
lazy val line = lineA | lineB

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