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Bloom Built, Inc.

High quality software creators, responsible for the Day One Journaling App.

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  1. bs-bones bs-bones Public

    A toolkit for writing servers in ReasonML on top of NodeJS

    OCaml 16 1

  2. reason-server-tools reason-server-tools Public

    A collection of modules that we've written to be helpful when writing Node.js servers in Reason.

    Reason 7 1

  3. aviators aviators Public

    The most coolest Elm UI kit specifically made for Day One that there is.

    Elm 4 1

  4. reason-browser-persist reason-browser-persist Public

    A small library for storing things in the browser's storage using ReasonML.

    C++ 4

  5. mixpanel-osx-unofficial mixpanel-osx-unofficial Public

    Forked from orta/mixpanel-osx-unofficial

    iPhone tracking library for Mixpanel Analytics

    Objective-C 2

  6. bs-pom bs-pom Public

    A collection of functions for working with JS promises in ReasonML

    OCaml 2 1


Showing 10 of 54 repositories

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