Uses QZXing to decode QR Codes and display decoded QStrings in Qt applications.
QZXing location:
#Usage Inside the void QQrDecoder::on_decodeButton_clicked() method you pass the path to the QR code image and hit the Decode button The decoded QString is displayed in a QMessageBox.From there you can go on and implement your voo doo magic.
#Tested Environments:
Qt 5.3.1 (msvc2010_opengl)
Qt 5.2.0 Mingw (mingw48_32)
Android for armeabi-v7a (GCC 4.7, Qt 5.2.0)
#Contact Please use the issue feature of github repositories to give your feed back.This way your input benefits future users. If all else fails ,Ideas and suggestions should be sent to wayadn88(AT)