Frontend framework that allows you to build web applications
Benefits of angular - Faster development - Faster code generation (CLI) - Unit test ready - Code reusability
VS react - Angular is a framework - Angular has a built in CLI - Has tools and packages included for small-medium scale apps - Has better code style and scalability
React - Library - Not have CLI - Requires additional packages such as axios for http requests, etc
Angular Core concepts: - Components, Services - Directive, Pipes - Data binding, event handlers - Http Module, Forms Module - Routing, Animations - Testing and building for production
Creating an angular app
npm install -g @angular.cli
ng --version
ng new first-ng-app # optimally use --dry-run
ng new first-ng-app --inline-styles --inline-template
ng new first-ng-app --dry-run #select SCSS #no to Server-Side Rendering (SSR)