Duniter (previously uCoin) is a libre software allowing to create a new kind of P2P crypto-currencies based on individuals and Universal Dividend.
Inspired by Bitcoin and OpenUDC projects.
Ğ1, first libre currency for production using Duniter have been launched March 8th 2017.
However, we are running simultaneously a testing currency.
See Install a node documentation.
Visit Duniter website: it gathers theoretical informations, FAQ and several useful links. If you want to learn, this is the first place to visit.
If you wish to participate/debate on Duniter, you can:
- visit Duniter Forum
- join XMPP chatroom [email protected]
- contact us directly at [email protected]
Duniter is using modules on different git repositories:
- Crawler: network crawler.
- Prover: handle Proof-of-Work.
- BMA API: Basic Merkled API.
- Keypair: provide the cryptographic keypair.
- WotB: compute Web of Trust.
- Debug: debug tool.
- Web admin: web administration interface (optional).
Optional modules:
- Remuniter: service to remunerate blocks issuers.
- Wot explorer: Web of Trust explorer.
- Official OpenUDC project website
- Official OpenUDC repository
- Other project trying to implement OpenUDC in python
This software is distributed under GNU AGPLv3.