A Windows MUD (multi-user dimension) client that allows you to connect to and play any number of text based online multi user games.
- Installation
- Quick Tips for Getting Started
- Aliases
- Hash Commands
- Lua
- Macros
- Packages
- Plugins
- Triggers
- Variables
- Language: C# / WPF for .Net 8
- OS Support: Windows 11, 10 (1607+), 8.1, 7
- OS Support for Windows Store Version: Windows 11, Windows 10, version 1809 (10.0; Build 17763)
- Aliases
- Triggers (simple and regular expression)
- Macros
- Package Manager for installing packages that are built for a specific game.
- LUA (LUA can be inlined as the output of an alias or a trigger)
- Colored syntax editor for LUA with intellisense (code completion) for all of the extended API's.
- 4K monitor support / responsive UI design.
- Touch screen friendly.
- SQLite Database Builtin with syntax highlighted query editor. Database/query editor with a color coded editor and auto completion built in.
- Profiles can be used for multiple characters (any trigger or alias can be set to only run for certain characters).
- Directions support
- Global variable support in and outside of LUA that persists beyond mud sessions (Avalon also has temp variable support).
- Plugin ability (extend Avalon by writing your own C# or Lua plugins)
- Custom scraping that can be easily turned on and off via hash commands/LUA and then piped to variables (imagine an alias that scraped notes into a database for posterity, etc.).
- Tick support.
- Gagging, redirection and custom information panels.
- Line rewriting (being able to transform the text sent from the server before it's rendered to the mud client)
- Regular Expression tester.
- AvalonEdit (MIT)
- ModernWpfUI (MIT)
- MoonSharp (Custom License, see project)
- Command Line Parser (MIT)
- Argus Framework (MIT)
- WPF-AutoComplete-TextBox (MIT)
- TentacleSoftware.Telnet (Apache v2)
- RestSharp (Apache v2)
- JSON.Net (MIT)
- MahApps.Metro.IconPacks (MIT)
- [Dapper] (https://github.com/StackExchange/Dapper) (Apache v2)
- [XamlFlair] (https://github.com/XamlFlair/XamlFlair) (MIT)
- Documentation
- Ensure touch screen scrolling is smooth on all terminals and controls.
The Avalon Mud Client is being released under a modified MIT license with an additional clause requiring credit to the original author (Blake Pell). E.g. this means the license should be flexible enough to do what you need to do with it.