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Front-end client code for RPThreadTracker V3.

If you are looking for the C# web service API, please see

If you are looking for the Tumblr thread status microservice API, please see

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This is a React Javascript application which makes up the client-side portion of RPThreadTracker V3, a web application for members of the Tumblr collaborative writing community.

Running the Application Locally

You will need to have NodeJS and NPM installed on your local machine to run this application.

  1. Create a fork of this repository to your own GitHub account (
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
  3. Check out a new feature branch in your local copy of the code.
  4. Install NPM dependencies with npm install or yarn.
  5. Run the application with npm run start or yarn start.

The application uses Webpack Dev Server to run its code locally. It may take a few minutes to build, and will rebuild (more quickly) when changes are made to the code while it is running.

Once running, the application will be available at http://localhost:8080.

Running Unit Tests

Unit tests for this codebase are currently in the process of being refactored; updates to follow.

External Dependencies

This application communicates with a back-end API for Tracker account information and a Tumblr client microservice. The URLs for these services are set for development purposes in the file src/config/, and by default are set to a remote staging server URL in both cases. If you are running these services locally, you can update the values in, then stop and restart the application.

Submitting a Change

  1. Commit your changes to your feature branch and push it to your forked repository.
  2. Open a pull request to the repository at


Rosalind Wills - @blackjackkent[email protected]