that routes client api to backend open api with routing data.
use spring webflux, reactive redis.
when api-gateway server is started, it communicates with rest-api-server(admin server).
it receives routing information data stored in mongoDB.
first, gateway registers mapping with registerMapping
second, gateway stores these data in RoutingDataSet
memory repository. (it needs not to communicate with admin server anymore)
when administrator change routing information, then api-gateway updates real-time with redis pub/sub
There are two handler.
first route
handles applied routing information to proxy backend server.
second healthCheck
handles health check with L4 load balancer.
In @PostConstruct
Annotation, communicate with admin server and register mapping, store routing data in memory.
data extracted from ServerHttpRequest (extracted from ServerWebExchange).
convertedBody get from @RequestBody
messages from routing-delete channel.
It just consists of domain+path(originalPath), method to unregisterMapping
, delete data in repository.
worksKey to use backend openAPI.
localWindows treats local counts in gateway local memory.
redisWindows treats global counts in redis.
this data treats routing information from admin server in RoutingDataSet.
RoutingInformation with mongoDB documents.
messages from routing-update channel.
it consists of previous routingInformation, updatedInformation.
Property | Status Code | Error Message |
NO_CONTENT | 204 | No Content. |
BAD_REQUEST | 400 | 잘못된 형식이나 내용입니다. |
INVALID_PARAMETER | 400 | 잘못된 파라미터 입력입니다. |
MISSING_PARAMETER | 400 | 필수 파라미터를 지정하지 않았습니다. |
UNAUTHORIZED | 401 | 인증되지 않은 클라이언트입니다. |
FORBIDDEN | 403 | 권한이 금지되었습니다. |
NOT_FOUND_RESOURCE | 404 | 라우팅 정보 리소스를 찾을 수 없습니다. |
NOT_FOUND | 404 | 자원을 찾을 수 없습니다. |
TOO_MANY_REQUEST | 429 | API 사용 요청량을 초과했습니다. |
SYSTEM_ERROR | 500 | 서버 시스템 내부의 오류입니다. |
gateway gets all routing information and stores these data in this repository.
when proxying, these data is utilized and can add new information, delete unnecessary information.
RateLimit data is stored in this repository.
when time goes on, unnecessary data is deleted with time interval.
- routeWithClientAPI
- make clientRequest dto and parameter verification, then call backend proxy.
- registerRouting
- addRoutingDataSet + registerRequestMapping
- addRoutingDataSet
- store routing data in RoutingDataSet repository.
- registerRequestMapping
- register mapping info in mappingRegistry field with registerMapping methods.
- unregisterRouting
- deleteRoutingDataSet + unregisterRequestMapping
- deleteRoutingDataSet
- delete routing data from RoutingDataSet repository.
- unregisterRequestMapping
- unregister mapping info from mappingRegistry field with unregisterMapping methods.
- convertBody
- when body string is exists, it converts to Map class.
- getBodyDataBuffer
- to proxy backend server, string body is restored in Flux type.
- checkVerification
- verify parameter (query, path variables, body)
- checkParameters
- checkRequiredSatisfied + checkOptionalSatisfied
- checkRequiredSatisfied
- check required parameter
- checkOptionalSatisfied
- check optional parameter
- checkValid
- isValidType + validation (range, allowed, length)
- isValidType
- check parameter type (integer, boolean, string)
- isValidIntegerValue
- validateType = range, check target is in valid range.
- isValidAllowedValue
- validateType = allowed, check target is in array.
- isValidLengthValue
- validateType = length, check target string's length is in valid length.
- proxy
- get routing data stored in RoutingDataSet, and proxy backend server.
- getPath
- get path used in backend proxying. this change path variable to real value getting from client's request.
- ex) /boards/{boardId} => /boards/12345
- getRoutingInformation
- communicate with admin server to get routing information.
RedisScheduler is scheduler to synchronize with redis.
local memory (RateLimitDateSet) controllers local count, then setting time(fixedDelay) access redis with this dataSet and update redis.
api-gateway is clustered. so, each gateway' local memory is synchronized with redis.
To solve Concurrency issues, i use lua script because redis recognize one script as one command.
lua script logic
Property | Description |
KEYS[1] | redis key (routing id + user ip) |
KEYS[2] | prev local window key |
KEYS[3] | current local window key |
ARGV[1] | can allowed rate Limit counts |
ARGV[2] | prev local window value |
ARGV[3] | current local window value |
1. check prev, current value with redis key + prev local window key / redis key + current local window key.
(if not exists, initialize to 0)
2. count min value between value getting from 1 + value from gateway (ARGV[2], ARGV[3]) and rate Limit (ARGV[1]).
3. store value getting from 2 and set up expire.
4. return updated new value to gateway [prev redis window value, current redis window value]
rateLimiter is applied with implementing WebFilter
At first, check whether this client's request is registered in api-gateway.
if not, skip.
get ip(XFF headers) and routing's ObjectId. (this can distinguish routing + user in rate limit)
then, update data's timestamp to current time.
and check it is allowed or not in isAllowed function.
isAllowed function logic
It should take account of both local count(local Window) and redis count(redis Window).
1. get currentWindow key, prevWindow key (prevWindow key = currentWindow key - 1)
2. calculate prev time ratio (1 - (currentTimeMillis - currentWindowKey * 1000) / 1000.0)
3. calculate prev count (min value between rate limit and prev redis value + prev local value)
4. check whether calculated value(prev ratio * prev count + current redis value + current local value) is greater than rate Limit.
5. if 4 is satisfied, then **```429```** error, return false. else allow request return true.