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DroidTrail is a modular python tool intended to serve as a framework for executing an automatic and lightweight vetting of malicious/legit android apps.
For each analyzed app it produces a digital footprint which is composed by more than 20 descriptive trails (e.g. package, permissions, activities, services, receivers, digital certificate summary, file descriptors, etc); each trails-set is summarized and uniquely identified by a fingerprint. Fingerprints and trails can be extracted in short/long mode and saved in different file format (i.e. JSON, CSV and XML).
This is an example of digital footprint extracted for the ZitMo (Zeus-in-the-mobile) mobile malware:
{ "trails": [ { "app_trails": { "app_activities_names": "com.android.security.MainActivity", "app_version": "4.3", "app_name": "Android Security Suite Premium", "app_target_sdk": 16, "app_package_name": "com.android.security", "app_permissions": "android.permission.SEND_SMS|android.permission.BROADCAST_STICKY|android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW|android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW|android.permission.ADD_SYSTEM_SERVICE|android.permission.VIBRATE|android.permission.REORDER_TASKS|android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION|android.permission.WAKE_LOCK|android.permission.STATUS_BAR|android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE|android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE|android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE|android.permission.DEVICE_POWER|android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD|android.permission.INTERNET|android.permission.WRITE_APN_SETTINGS|android.permission.WRITE_SMS|android.permission.BROADCAST_WAP_PUSH|android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE|android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE|android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE|android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED|android.permission.READ_SMS|android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS|android.permission.BROADCAST_SMS|android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS|android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE|android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS|android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE|android.permission.WAKE_LOCK|android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE|android.permission.WRITE_SECURE|android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS|android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE|android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS", "app_max_sdk": 19, "app_libraries_names": "None", "app_main_activity_name": "com.android.security.MainActivity", "app_receivers_names": "com.android.security.SecurityReceiver", "app_min_sdk": "7", "app_services_names": "com.android.security.SecurityService" }, "cert_trails": { "cert_finger_sha1": "E2D22CA65F8F2FEBB19493BC9B72369A6216A1FB", "cert_subject": "Subject: C=US, CN=Android Debug, DN=C=US, O=Android, CN=Android Debug, E=, L=, O=Android, OU=, S=", "cert_serial_number": "4ED0AC83", "cert_issuer": "Issuer: C=US, CN=Android Debug, DN=C=US, O=Android, CN=Android Debug, E=, L=, O=Android, OU=, S=" }, "file_trails": { "file_name": "d1cf8ab0987a16c80cea4fc29aa64b56.apk", "file_sha256_sum": "302c060432907e506643d39b7981df16a61c61b84981bcec379fa8c5b2ec6a99", "file_dimension": 207489, "file_md5_sum": "d1cf8ab0987a16c80cea4fc29aa64b56" } } ] }
The following elements are expressed by single-pipe separated values: app_activities_names, app_services_names, app_receivers_names, app_libraries_names, and app_permissions;
The trails-set reported above can be summarized and uniquely identified by DroidTrail through this fingerprint:
{ "fingerprints": [ { "index": "27ce9cf737d01b0bdd5fd6645bce8a06", "elem": "bbfdf3f1eb959ecd0c46786fbf7508923e9cf837dcb41204dce6096fa8106e94" } ] }
$ sudo chmod 700 configure.sh
$ sudo configure.sh
$ sudo chmod 700 run_droidtrail.sh
$ run_droidtrail.sh -h
$ run_droidtrail.sh -t -f -m long -o csv
The package is composed by:
- droidtrail
- config: the components that configure the entire project through a configuration file;
- dependencies: the components that identifies project dependencies and checks if they are satisfied;
- extract: the components for the extraction of archives of malicious apps;
- fingerprint: the components for the fingerprinting of mobile apps;
- persistence: the components for managing the persistence of the results;
- stats: t.b.d. - dummy
- utils: the collections of useful and reusable functions and methods;
- trails: the components for the extraction of digital trails;
- run.py: the main python script.;
- droidtrail.env: the python virtual environment dedicated to this project;
- in: the input folder;
- out: the output folder;
- lib: the external libraries needed by DroidTrail;
- logs: the log file that contains detailed information for the execution of this framework;
- run_droidtrail.sh: the bash script which automatise the execution of the framework inside the virtual environment.
- Implement email notifications
- Improve strings encode/decode
- Sanitize error log
- Develop stats components Please see the TODO tag disseminated in the source code; some grep will help you! :)
Please see the file called LICENSE.
bl4ckh0l3z at gmail.com